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Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Hollywood Film 2023

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Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Author: Azka Aqlia Sudibyo

The movie The Nun will continue to the next season. The Nun itself is a spin-off from the movie The Conjuring 2 which focuses on the story of the ghost Valak. New Line Cinema, one of the production houses of Warner Bros, has released the trailer for the movie The Nun 2 on July 6th.

The Nun 2 still tells the story of the terror of the ghost in the form of a nun named Valak. The terror of Valak began with the murder of a priest in France in 1956. Sister Irene once again has to face Valak, the demonic nun.

This time, Taissa Farmiga returns as the main actress of the nun. Taissa herself is the younger sister of Vera Farmiga, who plays Lorraine Warren in the movie Conjuring. Curious about Taissa Farmiga's daily life? Wondering? Let's take a look at her portrait and profile below..


Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Taissa Farmiga was born on August 17, 1994 in New Jersey, United States. This beautiful girl is the youngest of 7 siblings, you know!

Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

When you see this photo, do you remember someone? Yes, Taissa looks like Lorrain Warren's actress in the movie The Conjuring, which is Vera Farmiga. No wonder, because they are indeed siblings.

Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Although Taissa is the sibling of one of the key characters in The Conjuring, she still went through a long casting process to get the role of Sister Irene in the movie The Nun.

Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Taissa has learned a lot and conducted research on Valak and the theories explaining its existence from her sibling.


Turns out at first Taissa wasn't interested in entering the entertainment world at all. However, after starring in a film directed by her brother, she became hooked and has been doing it until now.


In addition to the movie The Nun, Taissa has also starred in various horror films and series. One of them is American Horror Story.

Facing Valak Again, Here's the Beautiful Portrait of Taissa Farmiga, the Actress of Sister Irene in 'THE NUN 2'

Despite starring in horror films, it turns out Taissa is actually afraid, you know. She even admitted to being afraid of being alone in a dark room. However, Taissa is able to show her professionalism by playing the role of Sister Irene well. Impressive!


Did you know, KLovers? Turns out Taissa is one of the actors who is not 'disturbed'. Although according to rumors, many actors and crew members were disturbed during filming. Hmm, can't wait to watch Taissa in The Nun 2.