Ashley Stobart, an influencer from England, recently shared a shocking experience about her long journey with facial fillers that started at the age of 18. Check out her complete portrait below!
Portrait of Influencer Ashley Stobart: A Story of Not Recognizing Her Own Face After 15 Years of Fillers
After 15 years of regularly using fillers, she experienced drastic changes to her face that made her no longer recognize herself.
This experience was further exacerbated during her third pregnancy, where her face swelled due to water retention and the accumulation of fillers that had been injected over the years.
"Seeing my own reflection in the mirror was shocking. I thought, 'What have you done to yourself?'" she said as quoted by People.
This incident became a turning point for Stobart to stop using fillers. However, after removing the fillers from her face, she faced a new problem of extreme sagging skin, especially in the jaw and mouth areas.
"My skin was so saggy that it could be pulled four centimeters away from my face," she recalled.
At the age of 34, Stobart decided to undergo a facelift as a solution to the issue. Although many surgeons initially refused to perform the procedure due to her young age, she eventually found a doctor willing to carry out the surgery.
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