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Upload Photos on Birthday, This is the Comparison of Adele's Photos Last Year and Now that are Totally Different!

Upload Photos on Birthday, This is the Comparison of Adele's Photos Last Year and Now that are Totally Different! Adele ©Instagram/adele -

Adele made fans excited with her latest upload on Instagram. The singer of the song Someone Like You uploaded a photo that shows her entire body from head to toe for the first time.

In the photo, Adele looks very different from her previous appearance. She appears to have lost a lot of weight and looks slimmer.

"Thank you for the birthday love. I hope you all stay safe and sane during these crazy times. I want to thank all of our first responders and essential workers who are keeping us safe while risking their lives. You are truly our angels. 2020 will be a good year, goodbye, thank you," Adele wrote in the caption of the photo she uploaded on Wednesday (6/5/2020).

1. Natural Weight Loss

Exactly a year ago, on her birthday, Adele also uploaded a photo of herself. Compared to this year's photo, she looks drastically different. Adele appears much thinner and slimmer compared to herself a year ago.

Adele's waist now looks much slimmer than last year. Not only that, her face also looks more angular. Her legs and arms also appear smaller than last year.

2. Netizen Comments

Adele's weight loss seems to be noticed by netizens and fellow artists. In the comment section, several people praise Adele's latest appearance. They express that the diva's appearance looks very charming.

Not only that, they also leave a lot of support for Adele in the comment section. They congratulate Adele on her 32nd birthday. Fans and fellow artists send love on the diva's birthday.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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