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Siskaeee Still Detained in Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center, This is the Fate of the Film KRAMAT TUNGGAK's Big Screen Version

Siskaeee Still Detained in Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center, This is the Fate of the Film KRAMAT TUNGGAK's Big Screen Version Siskaeee © - After facing numerous controversies, it is known that the film KRAMAT TUNGGAK has been remade with a different packaging for its release on the big screen. Marcel Chandrawinata is one of the people behind the making of the big screen version of KRAMAT TUNGGAK.

Interestingly, in this film, Siskaeee will still be the main character. However, Siskaeee herself is currently behind bars due to the ongoing case of the Bintang Class version of the film KRAMAT TUNGGAK, and of course, the fate of the big screen version of KRAMAT TUNGGAK becomes a question.

When met at SCTV Tower, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday afternoon (27/2), Marcel spoke up. He only asked for the best prayers for the smooth progress of the Kramat Tunggak big screen version project.

"The film will definitely be shown in theaters. Right now, it's in the process of getting approval from the Film Censorship Board (LSF), and only after that can we get a release date. Please pray for its smooth progress, that it goes well," said Marcel Chandrawinata.

1. Contacting Siskaeee

When asked further, Marcel also admitted that he had contacted Siskaeee and her management after she was detained by the authorities. Marcel mentioned that Siskaeee is in good condition and has been going through the legal process.

"Yes, I contacted Siskaeee and her management yesterday. She is fine, healthy, and has prepared everything," he said.

2. Film Continues

As the person behind the making of the film KRAMAT TUNGGAK, Marcel will also follow the legal process that Siskaeee is facing. He will always provide support for Siskaeee.

"We will continue to follow the legal process, prayers and support always come from me, the production house, and the entire cast," he explained.

Additionally, Marcel emphasized that he has informed Siskaeee that the film KRAMAT TUNGGAK will still continue. He even mentioned that Siskaeee is curious about the final result of the film she starred in.

"Yes, I have told her. She is also curious about the film. She sent her prayers for everything to go smoothly," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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