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Status Cult and Previously Banned from Circulation, Falcon Pictures Challenged to Remake French Horror Film Titled 'POSSESSION'

Status Cult and Previously Banned from Circulation, Falcon Pictures Challenged to Remake French Horror Film Titled 'POSSESSION' Abbas Nugroho - Falcon Pictures production house is remaking the French film titled POSSESSION released in 1981. Not only adored by horror enthusiasts, Andrej Zulawski's film was also banned from being shown in England because its content was considered disturbing.

Frederica, as the producer, admitted to being challenged by the idea of remaking the film POSSESSION in Indonesia. As a result, she bought the rights to adapt it and entrusted Razka Robby Ertanto to direct it.

"As filmmakers, we definitely want to remake this film. The original film is very strong in its country and has become a cult," said Frederica during a press conference at Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, on Friday (5/3/2024).

1. Must-Watch Film for Students

Razka Robby Ertanto himself expressed disbelief when asked by Falcon Pictures to direct the remake of POSSESSION. Because the film was a must-watch during his time as a student at the Jakarta Institute of the Arts.

"When I was still in college, all students were required to watch that film. It was an extraordinary experience to remake a film that I watched when I was still a student," said Robby on the same occasion.

2. Given Creative Freedom

Through this remake of POSSESSION, it became the first collaboration between Falcon Pictures and Razka Robby Ertanto. As a director, Robby admitted to being impressed because he was given the freedom to be creative.

"When I was offered and I said 'Yes', Falcon Pictures knew that the film I would make would become even more absurd. I am impressed that in this first project, I was given the freedom to create the film however I wanted," concluded Robby.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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