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5 New Anime Ready to Air on Netflix

5 New Anime Ready to Air on Netflix Netflix Anime Festival 2020 via Press Release - Netflix seems to be really serious about the film world. This streaming platform has successfully convinced its users that it can produce films as well. THE IRISHMAN, EXTRACTION, and MARRIAGE STORY are some examples of how serious Netflix is about this. Recently, they also announced that they are ready to screen the animated film OVER THE MOON, which is considered to be on par with the renowned Disney and Pixar productions, and even surpass them. This time, they are expanding their reach to Japanese animated films, anime.

1. New, Original from Netflix

Netflix announced five new anime projects at the Festival Anime Netflix 2020 event, which was livestreamed globally, strengthening the lineup of anime content loved worldwide. The five newly announced projects include Rilakkuma's Theme Park Adventure, Thermae Romae Novae, High-Rise Invasion, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, and The Way of the Househusband, each of which will enrich the diverse and never-before-seen catalog of stories, straight from Netflix's creative headquarters in Japan.

Official Poster Rilakkuma's Theme Park Adventure

"In just a short span of four years since launching our creative team in Tokyo, Netflix has expanded the reach and total audience of anime - a category that is conventionally seen as a niche. Seeing the success of various shows like Seven Deadly Sins and BAKI, we are more excited than ever to challenge ourselves in developing inspirational anime programs for fans worldwide."

"To do this, we will continue to invest in new talent and promote diversity from within." We are pleased to welcome Anand Varna, our second Gobelins Fellowship student, to the Creative team thanks to the success of our long-standing collaboration program with the French institution," said Taiki Sakurai, Chief Producer, Anime, Netflix.


2. Accompanied by Many Other New Anime 

Starting from the game, now Resident Evil will soon air on Netflix

In addition to Netflix's 5 original anime, they also announced that they will air 11 new anime. These anime are EDEN, RESIDENT EVIL: INFINITE DARKNESS, VAMPIRE IN THE GARDEN, YASUKE, GODZILLA SINGULAR POINT, PACIFIC RIM: THE BLACK, TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR THE CYBERTROH TRILOGY, TRESE, B:THE BEGINNING SUCCESSION, BAKI HANMA, AND SPRIGGAN. This is done considering that anime on Netflix has successfully penetrated various categories on its platform. Until now, anime titles have entered the Top 10 Films in 100 countries.

Author: Iqbal Laduni




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