Kapanlagi.com - The film THE COURIER is a historical drama directed by Dominic Cooke. The film THE COURIER is set against the backdrop of the Cold War and tells the story of an ordinary man trapped in the complex world of international espionage.
Following the story of a salesman who becomes entangled in a dangerous plan in the spy game between Britain and the Soviet Union. With a complex plot and thrilling action, this film THE COURIER combines political intrigue and crime.
Let's delve deeper into the complete synopsis of the film THE COURIER along with the cast list and character explanations. Come on, let's check it out KLovers.
1. Film Synopsis of THE COURIER

Film The Courier (credit: imdb.com)
The film synopsis of THE COURIER follows the true story of Greville Wynne, a British salesman who inadvertently gets caught up in a spy game between Britain and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Initially, Greville was an ordinary man living his life in London.
However, everything changes when he is recruited by CIA and MI6 intelligence agents to infiltrate the Soviet government and help gather secret information. Greville eventually meets Oleg Penkovsky, a Soviet officer and double agent for the West.
With Oleg's help, Greville starts delivering secret documents that reveal important information about the Soviet nuclear weapons program to the British and American governments. However, the situation becomes more complicated when the KGB starts suspecting their spy activities.
Meanwhile, Greville has to deal with pressure at home, especially from his wife, Sheila, who is worried about his safety. Greville's life continues to hang by a thread as the risks he takes as a spy grow greater.
However, with extraordinary determination and courage, he continues to work to protect their informant and prevent a nuclear war between major countries. As the spy game becomes more complex and dangerous, Greville and Oleg must face threats from the KGB.
They also have to confront the risk of betrayal within the Soviet government. They must navigate a life filled with treachery and deception while trying to safeguard their highly important operation's secrets.
Greville and Oleg's bravery and dedication bring them to a tense point where they must face the consequences of their roles in delivering secret information to the West. Greville and Oleg have to risk everything.
This is to keep their operation a secret and prevent a bigger disaster. With tension and intricate intrigue, the film THE COURIER presents a thrilling story of bravery, betrayal, and loyalty in the world of international espionage during the Cold War era.
2. Cast of THE COURIER

Film The Courier (credit: imdb.com)
In addition to the film synopsis of THE COURIER, there is also a list of cast members and explanations of their characters. With complex characters, this film promises a captivating viewing experience for fans. Here is a complete list of the cast members and explanations of their characters in the film THE COURIER:
1. Benedict Cumberbatch as Greville Wynne
Greville is the main protagonist in this film, a courier who gets caught up in a major conspiracy when he is forced by the British government and the CIA to infiltrate the inner circle of the Soviet government.
2. Merab Ninidze as Oleg Penkovsky
Oleg is a Soviet intelligence officer who works as a double agent for Britain and the CIA. He is Greville's main contact within the Soviet government.
3. Rachel Brosnahan as Emily Donovan
Emily is a CIA agent involved in the operation to infiltrate the Soviet government. She works together with Greville and Oleg to gather secret information.
4. Jessie Buckley as Sheila Wynne
Sheila's character is Greville's wife who supports her husband despite being involved in dangerous operations.
5. Angus Wright as Dickie Franks
Dickie's character is a senior MI6 official responsible for Greville and Oleg's operations within the Soviet government.
6. Kirill Pirogov as Anatoly Yustin
Anatoly is a high-ranking official in the Soviet government who becomes the target of a spy operation.
7. Anton Lesser as Beria
Lastly, there's the character Beria, who is a senior KGB official suspicious of the spy activities happening within the Soviet government.
That's the synopsis of the film THE COURIER that you can know. With gripping action and unexpected plot, the film THE COURIER offers an unforgettable thriller experience.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.