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Vomiting Law During Fasting, Does it Really Invalidate Fasting? Check the Explanation According to Hadith

Vomiting Law During Fasting, Does it Really Invalidate Fasting? Check the Explanation According to Hadith Vomiting Law during Fasting (credit: unsplash) - During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are obliged to fast. During Ramadan fasting, Muslims are required to abstain from eating, drinking, and avoiding things that can invalidate fasting from dawn until sunset. Every year during Ramadan, discussions about things that invalidate fasting always arise. One thing that often raises questions is whether vomiting invalidates fasting?

Many are curious, whether vomiting can invalidate fasting or not. Because there are some people who believe that vomiting can invalidate fasting. However, there are also many who believe otherwise, that vomiting does not invalidate fasting. So, what is the correct explanation?

Instead of being curious, let's just take a look at the explanation of the law of vomiting during Ramadan fasting below:

1. Vomiting during Fasting

Nausea and vomiting can be a problem for some people with stomach diseases while fasting. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question, "does vomiting invalidate the fast?" always arises during the month of Ramadan.

The ruling on vomiting during fasting, which is often debated, has actually been explained by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his hadiths. One of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), narrated by Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, and An-Nasai, explains that unintentional vomiting can invalidate the fast. The hadith states as follows:

"Whoever vomits unintentionally, then he is not obligated to make up for the fast. But whoever vomits intentionally, then he is obligated to make up for the fast."

Further explanation regarding the ruling on vomiting during fasting can also be found in another hadith, as follows:

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him):

"Whoever vomits involuntarily while fasting, then there is no qada (making up for the fast) for him. But if he vomits intentionally, then he is obligated to make up for the fast." (Narrated by Abu Dawud, no. 2380; Ibn Majah, no. 1676; Tirmidhi, no. 720)

2. Intentional Vomiting Law

Based on the above two hadiths, intentionally vomiting can invalidate the fast. Yes, as it is known, there are several things that can trigger someone to vomit even in a healthy condition, such as smelling a strong odor or seeing something disgusting.

If these things are done intentionally to induce vomiting, then the vomiting that occurs is considered to have invalidated the fast. This means that the person who does it must make up for the invalidated fast.

In addition, while fasting, it is also not allowed to hold back vomit that has reached the mouth and swallow it back. This is because it can actually invalidate the fast, as it is considered intentionally consuming food.

3. Things That Definitely Invalidate the Fast

Vomiting intentionally, in Islam there are several things that have been determined to invalidate or cancel fasting. Every Muslim certainly needs to know these things in order to be more vigilant and maintain the fasting worship that is being carried out.

Here are the things that have been determined to invalidate fasting:

1. Eating and drinking intentionally or knowingly while fasting.

2. Engaging in sexual intercourse between husband and wife during the obligatory fasting hours, which is from dawn until sunset.

3. Intentionally inserting objects into the ears or nose so that they reach the throat or stomach.

4. Experiencing menstruation (haid) or postpartum bleeding in women.

5. Ejaculation resulting from sexual activity in men.

6. Receiving blood transfusion or administering liquid nutrition into the body through injection or other methods.

7. Intentionally breaking the fast without a valid reason according to religious teachings.

Those are some brief explanations regarding the ruling on vomiting during fasting. Hopefully, it is beneficial, can increase knowledge, and strengthen faith as a Muslim. Amen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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