Real-Life Stalker Terror Series 'BABY REINDEER' Trending After One Month of Airing
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Written by: Adristi Putri Febrianti
BABY REINDEER is the latest Netflix series that premiered on Thursday, April 11, 2024. This 7-episode series is a dark series adapted from Richard Gadd's stage play of the same title, which premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2019. The series is directed by Josephine Bornebusch and Weronika Tofilska.
The production of this series was announced in December 2020, with Richard Gadd as the screenwriter and lead actor. The filming process took place from August 22, 2022 to March 3, 2023. The locations used include England, London, Scotland, and Edinburgh.
The series will star Richard Gadd as Donny Dun, Jessica Gunning as Martha Scott, Nava Mau as Teri, Hugh Coles as Francis, and Danny Kirrane as Gino.
1. Synopsis
BABY REINDEER tells the story of Donny Dunn, who has a strange relationship with a woman named Martha Scott. They both meet at a bar where Donny works. While Donny is working his shift as a bartender, he shows kindness to Martha as his customer. This meeting triggers an obsession that can threaten their lives and causes Donny to confront his hidden trauma.
When Donny finally reports Martha's behavior to the police and she goes silent, Donny becomes worried and his obsession turns into a reversal. Through what has happened between Donny and Martha, Donny is forced to confront his past trauma and try to accept it.
2. Interesting Facts
This film is based on the true story of actor and comedian Richard Gadd's life experiences. He went through severe trauma after being stalked and sexually harassed by a female stalker. This was done through numerous emails, voicemails, tweets, messages, fake accounts, letters, and even a cup of tea from the woman. The woman who stalked Donny Dunn (Richard Gadd's character) in this series is Martha Scott, and recently a woman named Fiona Harvey emerged claiming to be the real person behind Martha Scott. Piers Morgan interviewed Fiona Harvey, and she stated that there are some inaccuracies portrayed in this series.
This series explores many provocative themes with a significant number of disturbing scenes. Because this series addresses issues such as trauma and sexual harassment, Richard Gadd intended to show that people who are suffering from trauma and do not handle it properly will indirectly perpetuate an unhealthy cycle that can harm those around them.
3. Watch the Trailer!
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