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10 Photos of Lee Moo Saeng, the Rescuer Doctor in 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' - Ji Sun Woo's Half-Brother?

10 Photos of Lee Moo Saeng, the Rescuer Doctor in 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' - Ji Sun Woo's Half-Brother? Lee Moo Saeng © Instagram/leemusaeng_official - THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED drama is increasingly making viewers curious about its continuation. One of the figures that caught attention is Dr. Kim played by Lee Moo Saeng.

His neat appearance and caring personality surely succeed in stealing the hearts of women. Curious about his figure, here are handsome portraits of Lee Moo Saeng.


1. May 10th was his birthday. Lee Moo Saeng is now 40 years old

2. Now he is under the agency Story J Company. Lee Moo Saeng is in the same agency as Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Tae Hee, Seo In Guk, and many others

3. Lee Moo Saeng has been in the industry for 15 years. His name became more known through his acting in THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED

4. Playing the role of a psychiatrist named Dr. Kim Yoon Ki, he is portrayed as a gentle and caring person

5. Initially, he was expected to be a character who helps Ji Sun Woo move on

6. He is also close to Ji Sun Woo's son, Joon Young. He even becomes a place for the child to confide

7. Unfortunately, he disappoints the audience by becoming a spy for Yeo Byeong Kyu, Da Kyung's father

8. Now siding with Ji Sun Woo, he is even willing to save his colleague who almost drowned in the sea

9. Spoiler! It is said that he is actually Ji Sun Woo's half-brother. This is known from one of the Indonesian gossip accounts which stated that he is the child of Ji Sun Woo's father's affair

10. So, will the ending of THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED be all happy? Let's just wait and see!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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