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Behind The Scene Cute, Here's Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun's Behavior After Romantic Scenes Including Kissing

Behind The Scene Cute, Here's Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun's Behavior After Romantic Scenes Including Kissing Lee Min Ho - Kim Go Eun © SBS - The cast of the drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH has a very strong chemistry. Behind the scenes, they always interact joyfully, making the shooting location full of laughter.

This also applies to the two main cast members of THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun. Behind-the-scenes videos show that they can't resist themselves after doing romantic scenes.

1. Behind the Romantic Scenes

There is a scene where Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun 'write' on each other's palms. After the director shouted 'cut', they both laughed at the scene. While laughing, he scratched his own palm, which felt ticklish.

There is also a nearly kissing scene, where they have to touch foreheads. Although it looks romantic on the screen, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun find the scene quite funny.

2. Kissing Scene Ends in Laughter

The behind-the-scenes footage also shows moments where Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun were filming a kissing scene. This time they did it more seriously.

Although they initially performed the kissing scene seriously, the next scene turned out differently. In one scene, Lee Min Ho made a mistake in one of his lines and ended up laughing. Lee Min Ho even stood up because he couldn't take the scene seriously.

3. Behind the Scenes Video

Take a look at the excitement of the cast of THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH behind the scenes in this video:


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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