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Update Latest Profile Photos, Kim Soo Hyun Successfully Makes Fans Ambyar

Update Latest Profile Photos, Kim Soo Hyun Successfully Makes Fans Ambyar Kim Soo Hyun © Special - Anyone would find it hard to resist the charm of actor Kim Soo Hyun. Especially not long ago, he looked perfect in his latest profile photo. On May 11th, Gold Medalist agency released a new profile photo of Kim Soo Hyun.

In the photo, Kim Soo Hyun showcases flawless visuals while wearing a black turtleneck. His eyes gaze sharply towards the camera. Moreover, he looks very handsome in the latest photo.

After releasing the latest photo, it quickly spread across various online communities. Fans and non-fans alike gave various comments such as, "No one can deny his visuals", "Kim Soo Hyun really doesn't age", "The simple concept suits him," and many more.

1. Latest News on Kim Soo Hyun

The latest news is that Kim Soo Hyun will star in a new drama titled IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY after completing his military service. He will play the role of Moon Gang Tae, an orphaned nurse who works in a psychiatric ward and does not believe in love.


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