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Drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH' Criticized for Too Many Product Advertisements

Drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH' Criticized for Too Many Product Advertisements Lee Min Ho © SBS - The drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH starring Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun is once again being discussed by the online community in Korea. They say that this drama shows too many product advertisements.

According to Korean netizens, they are unable to follow the story because they are distracted by the various products. They also express their disappointment when they see Lee Min Ho only appearing in those commercial scenes.



1. Most Products

Some netizens also commented on this. Because there are also scenes that display many products when inside the car.


"This drama has a lot of potential. But somehow it feels different."

"Do they have to meet in a car to do all that? Is the car also commercial?"

Well, what do you think KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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