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Kim Hee Ae and Lee Moo Saeng Once Had a Dangerous Scene in Episode 14 of 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED'

Kim Hee Ae and Lee Moo Saeng Once Had a Dangerous Scene in Episode 14 of 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' Kim Hee Ae - Lee Moo Saeng © JTBC - The YangYang Surfing School recently shared the behind-the-scenes story of the drama 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED'. This is because Kim Hee Ae and Lee Moo Saeng had a dangerous scene at the beach.

This scene happened during the shooting process for the 14th episode, where Kim Hee Ae's character wanted to end her life by drowning in the sea. In the scene, she and Lee Moo Saeng were swept away by strong waves. However, in the end, they were rescued by the lifeguard team.

"We received a phone call inviting us to collaborate on a surfing rescue and film production. Because Kim Hee Ae is in the drama, we were very happy to collaborate with them," said a representative from the YangYang Surfing School.

1. Swept Away by Waves

Furthermore, they said that both actors and actresses were swept away by waves. However, they managed to rescue them within a minute.

This surfing school also shared a video recording of their rescue on YouTube JTBC. You can watch the video here. After watching, what do you think?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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