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11 Pictures of Jimin BTS's Father's Cafe, Must-Visit Spots for Vacation in Busan

11 Pictures of Jimin BTS's Father's Cafe, Must-Visit Spots for Vacation in Busan


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11 Pictures of Jimin BTS's Father's Cafe, Must-Visit Spots for Vacation in Busan

If you're planning a K-Pop themed vacation one day, MAGNATE should be added to your list of places to visit. MAGNATE is a cafe located in Jimin's hometown of Busan. This cafe is owned and operated by Jimin's father himself. Although it has been open since 2019, many fans may not know about it. Instead of being curious, let's take a look at the appearance of this member of BTS's father's cafe!


Jimin's father's cafe, MAGNATE, is located at 135 Jinnam-ro, Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Busan. From the outside, this cafe already looks interesting with its illuminated name and a door resembling a safe.


When the weather is clear, visitors can relax on the benches in the spacious yard. Hanging out while being gently touched by the breeze is certainly comfortable.


The interior of this cafe is guaranteed to leave you amazed. When you enter the front door of MAGNATE, get ready to be mesmerized by the elegance of its interior design. Visitor tables with neatly arranged minimalist furniture and magnificent hanging lamps in the middle of the room.

11 Pictures of Jimin BTS's Father's Cafe, Must-Visit Spots for Vacation in Busan

One corner of this cafe is decorated with writing about Andy Warhol and his famous work, The Marilyn Diptych.

11 Pictures of Jimin BTS's Father's Cafe, Must-Visit Spots for Vacation in Busan

You don't need to worry because this cafe is very instagrammable. The industrial details in one corner are perfect as a background for aesthetic photos.

11 Pictures of Jimin BTS's Father's Cafe, Must-Visit Spots for Vacation in Busan

The appearance of the bathroom in Jimin's father's cafe is also very classy with white marble. Not only clean, but also beautiful.


Although this cafe exudes a luxurious and expensive impression, the menu here is quite affordable for ordinary visitors.


The presentation of drinks and food at Jimin's father's cafe is guaranteed to make you want to capture it first. So beautiful.


MAGNATE offers various tempting puff pastries. Be careful not to get confused about what to order here.


Not only that, MAGNATE also serves creamy desserts that will make you want to go back there again. Just looking at it makes you hungry.


Ordinary visitors may not realize that this cafe is directly related to Jimin. If you pay attention, you will see Jimin's hat displayed in the cafe.


This is his hat when Jimin wears it. So, when will KLovers visit Jimin's father's amazing cafe?