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5 K-Pop Idols with Unique Birth Names and Super Cool Meanings

5 K-Pop Idols with Unique Birth Names and Super Cool Meanings credit: as tagged - There is a unique culture in K-Pop, where the use of stage names has become an identity for most idols. In fact, some idols are more known by their stage names than their birth names because they are so cool.

However, there are many unique birth names of K-Pop idols that are not widely known. Moreover, some of these idols not only have unique birth names, but also have super cool meanings. From Hoshi SEVENTEEN to Solar MAMAMOO, let's take a closer look below.


In SEVENTEEN, Hoshi is known as the dancing machine. He is also known as the performance leader who always manages to captivate fans with his performance. Hoshi was born with the real name Kwon Soonyoung, which is closely associated with masculinity.

Equally interesting, Hoshi revealed that his stage name is composed of two words in Korean, Horangi (tiger) and Shizun (gaze). Hoshi is taken from the front syllable of these two words, which can be interpreted as a tiger's gaze.


Hui PENTAGON is known for his rap skills, songwriting abilities, and as a producer for both his group and other musicians. Hui often impresses many people with his exceptional singing, even above the average level of a K-Pop idol.

However, few people know that Hui's birth name is Lee Hoe Taek, which is the name of a character in a Korean fairy tale. What's even cooler is that Hui's stage name is taken from his birth name, Hoe, pronounced in Chinese. How cool is that?

3. Jaehyun Golden Child

Jaehyun Golden Child uses his birth name as his stage name. However, what catches attention is the word that follows his name, Jaehyun Bong. In the eyes of netizens, the addition of that word is so unique. The name also aligns with Jaehyun's handsome face, which can captivate the attention of fans.

4. Nicole Former KARA

Nicole Jung, former member of KARA, is from the United States. Although she is often known as Nicole, few people know that her birth name is Jung Yong Joo. Apparently, that birth name is considered rare or rarely used in Korea, making it unique to Korean netizens.

However, fans don't mind if the K-Pop idol wants to use the name Nicole or Yong Joo, as both names imply being loved by many people.

5. Solar MAMAMOO

Last but not least, there is Solar MAMAMOO whose birth name is Kim Yong Sun. This name may not be as unique as some other idol birth names on this list according to Korean netizens, but it is the meaning that makes the name cool.

The birth name Solar means refreshing face. This is truly reflected in the charming visual of the MAMAMOO leader. With excellent singing ability and a brilliant career in the world of K-Pop, the name Solar is truly fitting to be used as her birth name.

How about yourself, do you also have a unique meaning for your birth name KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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