Kapanlagi.com - Anime is still a favorite of many people from various backgrounds. Not only children, anime is also loved by adults. It's reasonable, because there are many exciting anime with various genre themes. Therefore, viewers can choose to watch genres that suit their interests and preferences. One of the most exciting is anime with a magic theme. There are several exciting magic anime recommendations to watch.
In accordance with the theme raised, magic anime presents stories with amazing magical actions. Magic anime characters can create various miracles that make the story more exciting. In addition, the presence of magical elements in the story also often makes the recommendation flow of magic anime difficult to predict. In addition, there are still many reasons why magic anime becomes a must-watch.
Curious, what are the exciting anime recommendations to watch? Just check out the list below.

(credit: imdb)
TRINITY SEVEN is one of the exciting and must-watch magic anime recommendations. This anime has a very interesting and exciting story to follow. It tells the story of a character named Kasuga Arata, an ordinary person who suddenly becomes the king of wizards.
The story begins when the sun in Arata's hometown suddenly turns black. This makes the atmosphere of the city instantly dark. Then, a mysterious figure named Lilith Asami appears. This mysterious figure tells Arata that he is a candidate for the king of wizards with extraordinary power.
However, to become a king, Arata must awaken the power within him. The only way to do this is by meeting seven wizards called Trinty Seven. From there, Arata's exciting adventure to become a king of wizards begins.

(credit: imdb)
The second recommended magic anime is titled SHIKKAKUMON NO SAIKYOU KENJA. This anime also has an interesting and exciting story to follow. SHIKKAKUMON NO SAIKYOU KENJA tells the story of a character named Mathias Hildesheimr.
Mathias' life is now a reincarnation of his previous life. Therefore, Mathias has various visions of past life. One of them is about a magical war that will happen in the area where he lives.
One day, the magical battle repeats. Unfortunately, in the present life, there is no one strong enough to conquer it. As a result, Mathias tries to do various exercises in the past to win the magical battle.
JUJUTSU KAISEN can also be an interesting alternative for watching magic anime. JUJUTSU KAISEN tells the story of a character named Yuuji Itadori, an ordinary student who lives a normal life. But one day, Yuuji Itadori experiences a magical event that leads him to a great adventure.
The adventure begins when, accidentally, Yuuji Itadori and some of his friends in the occult club unknowingly perform a paranormal ritual. The ritual turns out to lead Yuuji into a parallel world and has a mission to destroy evil spirits. In this new world, Yuuji also enters a magic school called Metropolitan Technical Jujutsu High School Tokyo.

(credit: imdb)
Who doesn't know FAIRY TAIL? This magic anime recommendation was quite popular in its time. FAIRY TAIL is a typical magic anime that uses a setting in an imaginary or fantasy world called Magnolia. Therefore, many miracles appear in this anime.
The story of FAIRY TAIL revolves around the life of a character named Lucy Heartfilia. She is a 17-year-old girl who wants to become a full-fledged wizard. Her greatest desire is to be able to join the elite Wizard Guild called Fairy Tail. Until one day she meets someone named Natsu, who unexpectedly is a member of Fairy Tail.
Will this meeting be the starting point for Lucy to join Fairy Tail? If you're curious, just watch this magic anime recommendation!
LITTLE WITCH ACADEMIA from its title alone, it can be guessed that this anime will tell the story of a magical school life. So it is certain, in this anime there will be many witch characters who have amazing magical abilities.
In general, LITTLE WITCH ACADEMIA tells the story of Atsuko Kagari. She is a witch who is looking for her true identity. Because Kagari is the only witch in her family. That is what makes her curious about her true identity. Even so, Kagari has a desire to become the greatest witch.
To realize her dream, Kagari then entered a magical academy named Luna Nova Magical. Kagari's life at Luna Nova Magical is so dynamic. There are various heavy things she experienced. At the magical school, Kagari also has to prove that she is indeed a great witch even though she is not from a witch family.
Those are some recommendations for exciting and magical anime. Happy watching!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.