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6 Stars of 'The King: Eternal Monarch' Describe Their Characters in the Drama, Lee Min Ho as the Ideal Emperor

6 Stars of 'The King: Eternal Monarch' Describe Their Characters in the Drama, Lee Min Ho as the Ideal Emperor The King: Eternal Monarch (credit: Netflix) - The King: Eternal Monarch is a romantic fantasy drama that will leave viewers curious about its story in each episode. Before watching, it's good to get to know the main characters.

Lee Min Ho and others described their roles in the drama during a press conference on Thursday (4/16/2020). Here is what each star said about the characters they portray.

1. Emperor Lee Gon, Played by Lee Min-ho

"Lee Gon is the third-generation emperor of the Kingdom of Korea - a fictional kingdom created specifically for this drama. He is portrayed as a perfect emperor, excelling in literature and art. Lee Gon is also a swimmer and a mathematics expert."

2. Detective Jung Tae-eul and Luna, played by Kim Go-eun

"Jung Tae-eul is a police detective in the Republic of Korea. Her father manages a taekwondo training center, so Ta-eul follows in his footsteps as a taekwondo instructor in high school. Luna is an orphan who has had to fend for herself since she was young. She is willing to do anything to survive. Luna names herself after a stray cat and she is a troubled character."

3. Royal Guard Chief Jo Young and public service worker Jo Eun-seob, played by Woo Do-hwan

"As the Royal Guard Chief, Jo Young always follows Emperor Lee Gon wherever he goes. For him, nothing is more important than protecting the emperor. Jo Young and Lee Gon grew up together, so there is a special bond between them like a friend and brother. Jo Eun-seob fulfills his military duty as a public service worker. He is very optimistic, can't be serious, and always cheerful. He is like a younger sibling to Jung Tae-eul, so I play two roles that are like siblings to Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul."

4. Kang Sin-jae, played by Kim Kyung-nam

"Sin-jae is a police detective who has had recurring nightmares since he was a child, so he has many questions. He meets Tae-eul in high school and grows up together as friends who rely on each other."

5. Koo Seo-ryeong, played by Jung Eun-chae

"Seo-ryeong is the first and youngest female Prime Minister in the Kingdom of Corea. She has an ambitious personality that remains steadfast in her beliefs and never hesitates to express what's on her mind. Her relationship with Emperor Lee Gon is full of uncertainty. Sometimes she appears to be using him, but at other times she can show her sincerity. Seo-ryeong is a very complex and fragile character."

6. Prince Geunyang Lee Lim, played by Lee Jung-jin

"He is Lee Gon's uncle. This series is set in the present time and my character is 69 years old. He enjoys playing with human nature and is skilled in using a sword. If you see romantic moments among the characters, when Lee Lim arrives, everything will be disrupted."

Hmm, getting more curious, right? So don't forget to watch it on Netflix starting April 17, 2020.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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