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Amid the Corona Pandemic, EXO's Suho's Solo Debut Album Achieves a Series of Achievements

Amid the Corona Pandemic, EXO's Suho's Solo Debut Album Achieves a Series of Achievements Suho EXO. Credit: Sprots DongA - Recently, EXO's Suho made his solo debut by releasing a mini album titled Self-Potrait. The presence of the handsome Idol as a solo singer was warmly welcomed by EXO-L fans.

Although his solo debut happened amidst the corona pandemic, it turns out that this mini album from EXO's Suho was very well received. In fact, the K-Pop star has achieved a series of achievements.

Here are some achievements achieved by EXO's leader with the mini album Self-Potrait. Curious about what they are?

1. Topping the Music Charts

On Sunday (30/3) yesterday, Suho officially released his debut solo mini album titled Self-Portrait. It didn't take long for him to dominate the music charts.

Not only did he top the domestic music charts such as Hanteo, Sinnara Records, and Aladdin, the same thing also happened on the music charts in China and iTunes charts in more than 50 countries.

2. Achievements

Not only topping the music charts, Suho also achieved something remarkable. On the first day, his album sold more than 163,000 copies on Hanteo. Now he holds the first position for solo artists with the highest sales on the first day of 2020 on Hanteo.

Not only that, Suho also achieved success on the Chinese platform QQ Music. The album sold 55,000 copies there, making Self-Portrait the first and fastest Korean album to reach platinum status in 2020!

Congratulations Suho!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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