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Because of 'Jimin EXO's Birthday Cake', Many Remember Jimin BTS's Close Relationship with Kai and Chanyeol EXO

Because of 'Jimin EXO's Birthday Cake', Many Remember Jimin BTS's Close Relationship with Kai and Chanyeol EXO Kai, Jimin, Chanyeol (credit: Special) - Do you already know about the viral Jimin EXO cake? For those who don't know, there is a netizen who uploaded a photo of their EXO-L sibling's birthday on Twitter. But the older sibling said that their sibling is a fan of Jimin EXO. However, there is no member named Jimin in the boyband EXO.

Because of this, 'Jimin EXO' became trending on Twitter in Indonesia. Some people associated 'Jimin EXO' with sweet interactions between Jimin BTS and EXO members. These are the moments that are remembered by these popular and talented stars in the K-Pop industry.

1. Jimin and Kai

For those who don't know, Kai EXO and Jimin are part of the same gang in Padding Squad, which also includes Taemin SHINee, Ha Sungwoon, and Timoteo HOTSHOT. Jimin has also expressed his gratitude to them in the BTS album.

When EXO and BTS attended the year-end event together, Jimin was caught on camera approaching Kai, who appeared serious. The older Kai then touched Jimin's head and they whispered to each other playfully.

2. Jimin and Chanyeol

When BTS and EXO both became supporters of the Idol Star Athletic Championship, there was interaction between Jimin and Chanyeol. They were seen holding hands and talking together. Many joked that Jimin was like a lost child found by Chanyeol. Jimin also appeared to sit and chat with Suho and Sehun.

Isn't the moment so sweet? Hopefully, there will be many more sweet moments in the future!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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