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Becoming a Composer, BoA Participates in Her 20th Debut Anniversary Album

Becoming a Composer, BoA Participates in Her 20th Debut Anniversary Album BoA. Credit: SM Entertainment - BoA will soon make a comeback with her latest album titled BETTER. Of course, the presence of the legendary K-Pop star is highly anticipated by fans and netizens.

Now, for her new album, BoA is very involved. She has participated in composing several songs. Curious?

1. Becoming a Composer

BoA also participated in her latest album by composing 3 songs, including the songs 'Cloud', 'All That Jazz', and 'Little Bird', as well as writing the lyrics for the song 'L.O.V.E'.

'Cloud' is an R&B song with emotional piano sound and lo-fi synth strings, with lyrics that convey the message that it's okay to be yourself. 'All That Jazz' is a jazz song with calm guitar sound and added piano sound on a bossa nova-based percussion rhythm, with lyrics that express the loneliness of someone created by emptiness and the end of a relationship.

2. Songs

'Little Bird' is a britpop song with grand bass and drum sound, with impressive lyrics like a film that express BoA's journey to achieve her dreams and hopes. Meanwhile, the song 'L.O.V.E' is a disco song that adds anticipation by expressing someone's desire to start a love honestly without considering the excitement.

Meanwhile, BoA's 20th debut anniversary album 'BETTER' will be released on December 1, 2020, at 16:00 WIB through various music sites. The physical version of this album will be released on December 2, 2020.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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