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Different Titles, Producers, and Artists, But These 12 Things Almost Always Happen in Korean Dramas

Different Titles, Producers, and Artists, But These 12 Things Almost Always Happen in Korean Dramas credit via SBS - Who here is a fan of Korean dramas? This one has recently become a favorite of many people. Especially in the midst of this pandemic, there are many new Korean dramas that are emerging, even becoming hits. It's understandable that more and more new fans are coming.

In addition, what makes these Korean dramas interesting is the storyline that is sometimes unpredictable, as well as the handsome and beautiful actors and actresses.

However, did you know that apart from the different titles, producers, and actors, there are actually some things that almost always happen in Korean dramas? Try to pay close attention to the following points, until you can agree after reading them completely.

1. Rich and Arrogant Main Actor

Believe it or not, in every Korean drama, especially actors who play the main character, they almost have similarities. Born into a wealthy or extremely rich family thanks to their brilliant career.

On the other hand, this main actor is also very arrogant, even very conceited when acting alongside the main actress.

2. Generous and Very Poor Main Actress

On the contrary, the main actress usually plays a character who is very kind-hearted. So kind-hearted that sometimes she can't even get angry, often being called fans with a golden heart.

Interestingly, this character is usually combined with a less fortunate economic background. So, it can be said that if you want to get the main role in a Korean drama, the actress must be ready to become a very kind-hearted poor woman.

3. All About Contracts in Romantic Relationships

Typically, romantic relationships usually start with an introduction, getting to know each other, and then dating if they're compatible. Everything is done casually and relaxed. However, it's a different story in Korean dramas.

Seemingly, all romantic relationships are almost always conducted with various contracts. Some have a dating contract, marriage contract, or even a cohabitation contract. It's quite unbelievable.

4. Extremely Complicated Love Plot

A love triangle alone can already seem complicated, what more if there are many branches? Yes, Korean dramas really enjoy creating complicated romantic schemes between the characters.

From person A liking person B, oh, person B turns out to also have feelings for person C. Even more surprising, person C is actually related to person A, either as a sibling, relative, or family member. And so on until the world is in chaos.

5. The Very Evil Mother

A drama is not complete without an antagonist role, and this role is often dominated by a very evil mother character. Whether it's a stepmother, biological mother, or other mother figures.

This evil mother character is usually portrayed as someone who disagrees when her son is in a relationship with a woman, especially due to economic differences or being poor.

6. Fighting for the Inheritance

Besides showing off wealth, Korean dramas almost always feature conflicts over inheritance, especially regarding who has the most right to become the heir. Of course, this dispute is presented in a very dramatic way, to the extent of not hesitating to eliminate their own siblings to obtain a plentiful inheritance.

7. Falling Asleep While Riding a Bus

Korean dramas often feature scenes of characters riding public transportation, such as buses. It's not just to showcase the advanced and comfortable public transportation in the country.

More than that, these scenes are chosen to create a romantic atmosphere. Because, as you can guess, when the two main characters ride the bus together, one of them is bound to fall asleep and lean on the other's shoulder.

8. Suddenly Acting Foolish When Drunk

In Indonesia, it may be prohibited, but drunk scenes in Korean dramas are not taboo. That's why almost every Korean drama includes this scene.

Strangely, there is almost always a character who suddenly acts foolish when drunk in Korean dramas. Moreover, this moment is often utilized by the main actor/actress to express their feelings or inner thoughts.

9. Carrying Late at Night

As a result of excessive drinking until getting heavily drunk, usually female characters will become unconscious. Whether they like it or not, they have to be carried if they want to go home. The scene of carrying late at night almost always colors Korean dramas. Agree, right?

10. Holding Hands

When conflicts escalate, especially if two male characters argue over the female character, it usually ends with a scene of holding hands.

More precisely, it is a struggle for the female character's hand. While the two actors heat up, the actress usually only has a silent scene and cries facing this kind of situation. Or, if she speaks, it is usually just, "Don't fight!"

11. Almost Hit by a Car

This scene is quite common in various soap operas in Indonesia, as well as in Korean dramas. The difference is, the scene is more classy, even though the reaction is the same. Instead of immediately avoiding it, they just stay silent and scream when they see a car in front of them.

12. Slipping Until Kissing

Last but not least, there is a scene of slipping when the two main characters interact or even argue. Funny enough, the reflection of this scene almost always ends with kissing. Very classic, right? Moreover, it is enjoyed and quite intriguing, making the audience curious whether the kissing scene was intentional or not.

Well, it's also called a work of art, so automatically the similarity of scenes or characters in a drama can't be completely avoided. In addition, generally the scenes and characters in a drama are based on daily life, the character of society, and the culture that applies in a country.

This is not to mention the audience's expectations, which also make a drama scene ultimately more bombastic. Because if it's too flat, it will also affect the number of viewers and ratings, right?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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