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Documentary Film 'BURNING SUN' Goes Viral, The Case of Safe Theft at Goo Hara's House Highlighted Again - Culprit Remains Uncaught

Documentary Film 'BURNING SUN' Goes Viral, The Case of Safe Theft at Goo Hara's House Highlighted Again - Culprit Remains Uncaught Case of Safe Theft at Goo Hara's House Highlighted Again After Viral Documentary Film 'BURNING SUN' (credit: - Dispatch) - The documentary film 'BURNING SUN', released by BBC on May 19, has brought attention to several big names in the K-Pop industry. One of them is the late Goo Hara, who was revealed to have played a significant role in the unraveling of the scandal that not only shook South Korea but also the world.

It doesn't stop there, various aspects related to Goo Hara are also highlighted along with the viral documentary film. This includes the tragedy where Goo Hara's house was burglarized after the former KARA member's passing. Read more below!

1. CCTV Footage Revealed

Goo Hara's residence was burglarized by an unknown thief on January 14, 2020, two months after Goo Hara's passing. In October 2020, Dispatch investigated this theft case and released CCTV footage showing the perpetrator climbing the wall of Goo Hara's house.

In their report, Dispatch analyzed the CCTV footage and suspected that the burglar was someone who knew Goo Hara well enough to be familiar with the layout of her house.

2. Before the Burglary Occurred

On January 11, 2020, the 49-day memorial ceremony for Goo Hara held at her house had ended. Two days later, on January 13, 2020, Goo Hoin, who is Goo Hara's brother, packed some belongings and left the late singer's house.

The older brother did stay there temporarily to organize the belongings after Goo Hara's sudden passing. Afterwards, Goo Hoin returned to their parents' house.

3. Chronology of Theft

The next day, on January 14, 2020 at 00:15, an unknown man climbed over the surrounding wall of the house and was recorded by CCTV. Although it was not clear whether there was only one man or two men involved, the thief entered Goo Hara's house, stole a safe, and fled.

Analysts believe that the thief is not a professional due to their clumsy behavior. Based on this assumption, analysts concluded that the thief is someone who knows Goo Hara.

Outside the house, an unknown man can be seen climbing over the wall of Goo Hara's house. It is suspected that the perpetrator crossed the wall through the villa parking lot next to her house.

4. Perpetrator Hides Identity

Goo Hara's friend with the initials "K" who lived with the deceased also commented on the theft, saying that they only found out about the incident in April 2020. It is said that the thief who climbed the wall covered the CCTV lens with leaves to disguise their identity.

"I found out that the safe was missing in April. I checked the CCTV with her sister. There is a scene where the thief tries to cover the lens with leaves. It seems like they were trying to hide their identity," said K.

5. Perpetrator Knows the Password to the Front Door

At 12:30, another CCTV video shows a person crossing Goo Hara's front yard towards the front door of the house. The perpetrator tries to enter the password for the door, but fails to open it.

The person then approaches the window, peeks inside the house. After making sure that there is no one inside at that time, the perpetrator tries to enter Goo Hara's house again.

"I changed the password after Goo Hara passed away. Only Goo Hoin and I know the password. I think the thief entered the old password, which is 2**2," said K.

6. Perpetrator Suspected to be Acquaintance of Goo Hara

There are four CCTV cameras in Goo Hara's house, but only two of them managed to record the thief in the house. After further examination by a professor, the person in both cameras is wearing the same shoes. There is also a similarity in the jacket worn by the man, raising suspicions that there is only one thief.

There are more reasons to believe that the thief is an acquaintance of Goo Hara. Namely, Goo Hara used to keep important documents in the safe. During her lifetime, she also kept her old phone inside.

7. Thief Successfully Enters the House

In addition, the perpetrator knows the layout and the old door code of the house. When unable to enter, the perpetrator took an alternative route by entering through the balcony on the second floor. From there, they entered the laundry room and then the closet where the safe was located.

"They know the structure of the house well. Someone who sees the house for the first time will never know how to do it. They even know that the door is usually unlocked," said Goo Hoin.

8. Perpetrator Only Takes the Safe

The perpetrator is suspected to be familiar with the layout of Goo Hara's house, including the exact location of the safe belonging to the deceased. Furthermore, the perpetrator only took one item, which is the safe, and left behind other valuable items.

"The closet door was not locked because they often go back and forth between the room and the closet. We also disabled the security system for that door. The thief is someone who knows this," said K.

9. Dispatch's Version of the Perpetrator's Description

Goo Hara and K visited the police in March 2020 to discuss the situation, but there were no results. Other CCTV footage that could have been used to help identify the thief had been deleted.

The black box video of the vehicle in the area had also been overwritten with a newer video, making it irrelevant to the case. Nevertheless, Dispatch included a description of the thief based on Goo Hara's home CCTV footage in hopes that one of its readers could provide information.

  • Height is approximately 175cm.
  • Wears glasses. Thin metal frame. Not pointed at the corners.
  • Wears shoes with BOA technology. The shoe laces are adjusted with a dial.
  • Unique jacket design. The back and shoulders have different fabric materials, along with a waist tie.
  • Considered an acquaintance of Goo Hara.
  • Possibly has multiple accomplices. Up to 3 or even 4 people. K stated that they believe someone was guarding near the gate, and another person was inside the parked SUV as a getaway car.

10. Uncaught Perpetrator

On April 28, 2020, Gangnam Seoul Police Station revealed that they had decided to temporarily close this case until the end of the restriction law as there were not enough clues to solve the case.

The police were unable to identify the suspect and conclude the investigation on December 17, 2020. A police source stated, "We conducted an investigation from various angles, took statements from individuals involved, examined the scene, checked CCTV footage, and much more, but we were unable to identify the suspect and consider this case unresolved."

Regarding the CCTV footage, the police commented, "We cannot identify the perpetrator based solely on the footage submitted by the victim. Since we received the report two months after the theft occurred, the data around the CCTV camera has been deleted (expired)."

Regarding the possibility of reopening the investigation, the source responded, "That is only possible if there is additional evidence. So far, there is no useful evidence."



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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