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Drama Jung Yu Mi and Nam Joo Hyuk 'THE SCHOOL NURSE FILES', Against Monster Jelly

Drama Jung Yu Mi and Nam Joo Hyuk 'THE SCHOOL NURSE FILES', Against Monster Jelly Jung Yu Mi and Nam Joo Hyuk (credit: Netflix) - Netflix officially announced the latest original Korean drama titled THE SCHOOL NURSE FILES which will start airing on September 25th. This fantasy genre drama is an adaptation of a novel written by Chung Se Rang and directed by Lee Kyoung Mi, who previously worked on CRUSH AND BLUSH and THE TRUTH BENEATH.

This drama brings together the beautiful actress Jung Yu Mi with the young actor idolized by many women, Nam Joo Hyuk. Surely many are curious to see them acting together.

1. Brief Synopsis

THE SCHOOL NURSE FILES follows the story of Ahn Eun-young (Jung Yu Mi), a nurse who works at a school and has a special ability to see supernatural creatures that resemble jelly. The numerous disturbing incidents at the school prompt Eun-young to solve the mystery with the help of a Mandarin teacher named Hong In-pyo (Nam Joo Hyuk).

These creatures are manifestations of various negative things that were accidentally released by In-pyo when he opened his storage space in the school's basement. As the only person who can see these creatures, Eun-young faces the biggest challenge of her life when she has to fight against them.

Fortunately, Eun-young is introduced to In-pyo, who turns out to have a special energy that can recharge her powers and protect her. With the help of the man who caused the mysterious incidents at the school and also became her healer, Eun-young battles against these jelly-like creatures to defend the school and its students.

2. Drama Poster

Character posters for Eun-young and In-pyo have also been released. There are jelly creatures around them that we will be able to see when the drama airs.

Note the airing date, starting from September 25th. Who can't wait to see the exciting performances of Nam Joo Hyuk and Jung Yu Mi?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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