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Facts About Soobin TXT That Made Indonesian MOAs Cry Until Becoming a Successful BTS Fanboy

Facts About Soobin TXT That Made Indonesian MOAs Cry Until Becoming a Successful BTS Fanboy Soobin TXT (Credit: Instagram/official_soobin) - Choi Soo Bin, who chose Soobin TXT as his stage name, seems to never stop making MOAs fall in love. Besides having a good and wise personality, this TXT leader also has many interesting stories and achievements that make us proud.

Although Soobin TXT almost gave up before debuting with TXT, he managed to prove his hard work, become a beloved leader, and survive until now. Not only pursuing a career as a TXT member, he also spread his wings as an MC on Music Bank since last year.

This idol with Sagittarius zodiac sign has recently shocked Indonesian MOAs. The reason is that a video of Soobin crying because of the words of an Indonesian MOA has spread. So, why is that? Find out the answer through the following facts about Soobin TXT!


1. Soobin TXT Made Cry by MOA Indonesia

Twitter account @yoonsss_ shared a video showing the face of Soobin TXT trying to hold back tears. The video turned out to be their own video as an Indonesian MOA during a fanmeeting event.

In the video uploaded on August 21, 2021, Soobin can be seen listening to the message conveyed by the fan in Korean language. Here is the content of the message:

"Soobin, this is the fourth time we have met. In the second meeting, nuna invited Soobin to play the cham cham cham game, at that time nuna saw Soobin's enthusiasm and response, nuna was very very happy. Thank you.

Although I don't know whether Soobin still remembers nuna or not. But that doesn't matter. What nuna wants to say now is, nuna wants to express gratitude because Soobin has debuted and become the best leader of TXT.

Nuna is very grateful to have known Soobin. Thank you for working so hard all this time. Soobin is truly the best leader, even though he is still young, he is very mature in his behavior. Always prioritize others, and be the first person to protect the members and MOA.

Nuna is truly very grateful for that. Soobin should also know that he doesn't have to bear all the burden alone. There are nuna and MOA who will always be here to support and protect TXT forever. So what Soobin needs to pay attention to now is his health and happiness.

Don't think too much about anything, Soobin's health and happiness are the most important things for MOA. We also really like to see Soobin's sweet smile and dimples. So promise to keep smiling, happy and healthy always."

Soobin just nodded occasionally while showing a face that held back tears.At the end of the video, Soobin's tears also burst.He could only wave his hand, saying "gomawo, gomawo" while sobbing.Watch the video and get ready to melt from witnessing Soobin's tender heart.


2. Soobin TXT, from Army to Successfully Becoming an Idol

One fact about Soobin TXT that makes MOA (TXT's fans) adore him is the story of when he auditioned. Soobin has always aspired to become a singer, and because he is a fan of BTS, it's not surprising that he sent his audition video to Big Hit, where his idol is under.

However, Soobin wasn't contacted for weeks. Naturally, he started to feel desperate and thought that he didn't pass the audition. So how did Soobin manage to join Big Hit?

Well, in his desperation, Soobin realized that he had provided the wrong contact information or phone number. It turns out that Big Hit was actually looking for Soobin. Finally, they met and Soobin successfully became a trainee at Big Hit. One of Soobin's motivations for joining Big Hit was BTS.

He idolizes the group, who are now his seniors in the agency. Even after Soobin debuted successfully with TXT, he still shows his fanboy side. When BTS received an award on Music Core, Soobin looked extremely happy and proudly brought the trophy home. Now, it's not an exaggeration to say that Soobin is a successful Army because he has followed in his idol's footsteps.


3. Soobin TXT Becomes Music Bank MC Alongside Arin Oh My Girl Since July 2020

Since July 2020, Soobin TXT and Arin Oh My Girl have been serving as MCs for Music Bank. They have been hosting the show for a year and Soobin has gained popularity from it. Although their contract is about to end, many fans still want to see Soobin and Arin on the show.

This can be seen in the comments on PD Music Bank's interview video, Han Kyung Cheon. One of the topics discussed in the interview is the criteria the production team uses to select new MCs. Although there is no detailed process of selecting MCs based on fans' opinions, fans still filled the comment section with names of artists as suggestions for new MCs.

Among these comments, some expressed their love for the chemistry between Soobin and Arin on screen. They requested the production team to extend their contract instead of searching for new MCs.


4. Soobin TXT Has a Hedgehog Named Odi

In a recent livestream by TXT, Beomgyu shared a funny experience with Soobin's hedgehog named Odi. The leader of TXT adopted the small hedgehog in April 2021. Soobin has even shared several adorable photos of Odi.

Although Odi looks cute, Yeonjun once mentioned that Odi is a difficult hedgehog to approach and not all members can get close to him. However, as the owner, Soobin is very close to Odi and often gives him attention.

So those are some facts about Soobin NCT, from heartwarming to adorable stories, all worth hearing for MOA!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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