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Having a Love-Hate Relationship, Here are 5 Facts Behind WayV Ten and Yangyang's Subunit Project that Made People Curious

Having a Love-Hate Relationship, Here are 5 Facts Behind WayV Ten and Yangyang's Subunit Project that Made People Curious Sub unit WayV Ten and Yangyang (credit: instagram/teenlee_1001) - The moment of comeback from idols is always eagerly awaited by fans. Like the news of the comeback of two wayV members, Ten NCT and Yangyang NCT on August 17, 2021. Both of them made a comeback as a sub unit of wayV with their first single titled Low Low.

As KLovers already know, previously WayV had a similar special project through the debut of Kun NCT and Xiaojun NCT as a sub unit of WayV. However, the duet project between Ten and Yangyang still aroused curiosity and was highly anticipated. It was proven that upon its release, the music video for Low Low entered the trending YouTube list.

There are several interesting things and facts that might be the reasons why the duet performance of Ten and Yangyang from WayV is highly anticipated. Curious about what they are? Let's find out, KLovers, check out the following review.

1. Known as Members with Strong Chemistry

For KLovers who are NCTzens, surely you already know that Yangyang and Ten have a very close relationship, even bordering on a love-hate relationship. They often play pranks on each other.

It is not uncommon for the closeness they show to provoke the adoration of fans. Like when Yangyang was doing a live Instagram and watched by Ten. Instead of greeting and inviting Ten to join the live, Yangyang asked Ten to stop watching because he felt awkward and disturbed.

So, who wouldn't be curious, when two WayV members who have a love-hate relationship like them are finally brought together in a special project?


2. Released Suddenly

It didn't take long for WayV to announce the duet project of Ten and Yangyang. In fact, some parties consider this project to be sudden because it was released in a short period of time, compared to the Kun and Xiaojun sub-unit project of WayV which was released last June.

According to Allkpop, the handsome idol duo released their debut single titled Low Low in less than a week. Previously, they had released teaser photos with a summer theme that had aroused the curiosity of fans.


3. Having a Different Vibe than Kun's Project - Xiaojun

Ten and Yangyang's debut single Low Low was released two months after Kun and Xiaojun's duet project. This latest project from WayV's subunit has a completely different vibe, you could even say it's 180 degrees different. Kun and Xiaojun's mini album Back To You has a slow tempo, while Low Low has an upbeat tempo. It's truly more colorful and can make the atmosphere more cheerful.

4. Energetic Performance in the Music Video

Not only in terms of music, the music video for Low Low is also packaged differently from the music video for Back To You. While the filming of the Back To You music video was done with natural backgrounds, the Low Low music video was entirely shot in a studio room and filled with bright colors like yellow and orange.

Both Ten and Yangyang, who hold the position of main dancers, energetically dance with full power following the rhythm of the song. So don't be surprised, watching the music video for Yangyang and Ten's latest song can make you happy and smile on your own.


5. Ten Previously Released Songs

A few days before his debut in a duet project with Yangyang, Ten previously released a single titled Paint to Naked. The song, which was released on August 10, 2021, is written in English and has an upbeat tempo.

In this single accompanied by a music video, Ten seems to want to showcase his qualities as a main dancer, lead vocalist, and sub-rapper. Throughout his performance, Ten appears full of enthusiasm while singing, dancing, and rapping. It's no wonder that this single can make his fans even more curious about his duet concept with Yangyang.

Those are some of the facts about the special sub-unit project of WayV Ten - Yangyang. So, KLovers, which idol duet project are you looking forward to?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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