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Having Golden Voices, Fans Hope Baekhyun and D.O. EXO Will Debut as a Sub Unit

Having Golden Voices, Fans Hope Baekhyun and D.O. EXO Will Debut as a Sub Unit D.O. - Baekhyun EXO © as tagged - Baekhyun and D.O. EXO are two EXO members who serve as vocalists in the group. Known for their good looks and talents, they both have golden voices. In fact, many hope that they can form a sub unit.

One netizen expressed their opinion through an online community. They mentioned several reasons why Baekhyun and D.O EXO are the perfect combination for a sub unit. What could those reasons be?

1. Baekhyun D.O. EXO Sub Unit

Netizens said that the reason they should form a sub unit is not only because of their visual, personality, and musical style. They also added that these two EXO members have a positive image in society. So they will be well-known if they debut as a sub unit. In addition, both of them also have strong fandoms.

2. Long Time Needed

Until now, D.O. is still serving in the military and will finish in 2021. Meanwhile, Baekhyun will enlist in the military at the end of 2020. So fans have to be patient if they want to see them debut as a sub unit.

Previously, Baekhyun and D.O. were once a unit in EXO-K in 2012. At that time, they sang the song What Is Love which successfully stole the hearts of many fans.

Do you agree if they debut as a sub unit, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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