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Red Velvet-IRENE & Seulgi's Third Special Video 'Uncover' Released

Red Velvet-IRENE & Seulgi's Third Special Video 'Uncover' Released Red Velvet-IRENE & SEULGI (credit: SM Entertainment) - Red Velvet-IRENE & SEULGI released their third special video on July 23, 2020, at 10:00 AM. This special video features Seulgi's solo song, Uncover, which was previously performed at Red Velvet's third concert, La Rouge, in November 2019.

'Uncover' is also included in the bonus track list of the album Monster. These three special videos, directed by Shim Jae-won, explore the concept of doppelganger and showcase the high-quality and colorful performances of Irene & Seulgi.

Previously, Irene and Seulgi also released the follow-up song Naughty as their special video.

1. Appearing in Various Music Programs

Meanwhile, Irene & Seulgi will perform the song Naughty in various music programs. Such as KBS2TV Music Bank on July 24, 2020, MBC Show! Music Core on July 25, 2020, and SBS Inkigayo on July 26, 2020.


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