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Hyun Bin Turns Out to be Sick During the Last Shooting of 'Crash Landing on You', Returning Home Past Midnight

Hyun Bin Turns Out to be Sick During the Last Shooting of 'Crash Landing on You', Returning Home Past Midnight Hyun Bin © VAST Entertainment - Fans of the drama Crash Landing on You are currently missing the supporting cast. Many admit that they can't move on yet.

Of course, one of the characters that makes people feel emotional is Hyun Bin, the main star who portrays Captain Ri Jung Hyuk. Hyun Bin successfully portrayed the character very well and made many people fall in love.

1. Agency Surprises

Understandably, many miss Hyun Bin, and his agency, VAST Entertainment, released a behind-the-scenes video of Crash Landing on You. The video was taken during Hyun Bin's final shooting for the drama.

According to Koreaboo, agency staff visited Hyun Bin during his last shooting. They gave him flowers and a tar cake.

2. Hyun Bin Turns Out to be Enthusiastic

Hyun Bin appears to be very grateful for the attention given by his staff. Although he looks smiling, exhaustion is still visible on his handsome face. It turns out he was also sick at that time, but he tried to cover it up and always remained professional.

Hyun Bin finally finished shooting at 12:12 midnight local time. That's when he went home. Seeing this, fans feel touched by his professionalism in acting.

3. Fighting Oppa!

Hopefully, Hyun Bin will continue to be healthy! Especially since he has been confirmed to star in a new drama!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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