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Once Depressed, CRASH LANDING ON YOU Becomes a Turning Point for Kim Jung Hyun

Once Depressed, CRASH LANDING ON YOU Becomes a Turning Point for Kim Jung Hyun Kim Jung Hyun © tvN - In an interview with Sports DongA, actor Kim Jung Hyun shares his story about the drama CRASH LANDING ON YOU and its significance in his life. The actor, who played Gu Seung Joon in the drama, explains that it was a turning point in his life.

This 1990-born actor also expresses his gratitude to CRASH LANDING ON YOU. According to Kim Jung Hyun, the drama saved him from a dark period that lasted for 17 months. During that time, Kim Jung Hyun was physically and mentally unwell and couldn't love himself.


1. Harsh Criticism from Netizens

In the interview, Kim Jung Hyun talked about the controversy that occurred in 2018. He received sharp criticism for his behavior of remaining silent without expression during the TIME drama press conference.

Although he said he was immersing himself in the character he played, netizens still deemed Kim Jung Hyun's behavior inappropriate. He then left the drama due to the eating disorder he suffered.

2. New Hope

As reported by Soompi, Kim Jung Hyun stated that CRASH LANDING ON YOU was a drama that helped him find hope. During this drama project, Kim Jung Hyun felt a level of attention he had never received before.

"I am very grateful because thanks to this drama, I learned that I can also be loved. I regained my self-confidence. PD Lee Jung Hyo told me, 'Let's have fun', and his words gave me great strength," said Kim Jung Hyun.

This year, Kim Jung Hyun wishes to learn English in order to convey the energy he feels while watching movies to people all over the world. In addition to improving his English speaking skills, Kim Jung Hyun also wants to be able to act in English. "Actor Park Myung Hoon who starred in the movie PARASITE asked me to get ready," concluded Kim Jung Hyun.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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