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Indonesian Specialty Food Provided, Choi Siwon Got Lost at Raffi Ahmad's House?

Indonesian Specialty Food Provided, Choi Siwon Got Lost at Raffi Ahmad's House? Siwon and Raffi Ahmad © Special - K-Pop fans, especially Super Junior fans, must already know that Choi Siwon is currently in Jakarta. Some of the activities known by fans include buying instant noodles at a mini market and visiting Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina's house. Regarding this, Raffi had a chat about Siwon when he was met at Studio 41, Warung Nagih, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (11/3/2020).

For those who don't know, Raffi usually refers to his house as Andara. When asked if Siwon got lost on his way to his house, Raffi jokingly admitted that he teased the Super Junior member.

"No, coincidentally my house is located in front of a toll road, so I said that the toll road is Andara. I joked that I made the toll road, hahaha. No, he didn't get lost because he had his team with him. It's just a coincidence that the management from Korea and Indonesia have collaborated a lot in entertainment, so it's not difficult," said Raffi.

1. Food for Siwon

When vlogging with Siwon in Korea, Nagita Slavina once promised to treat her K-Pop idol. Gigi has fulfilled that promise. What kind of food was served for Siwon?

"Satay, martabak, siomay, tofu, fried food. He tried them all," said Raffi.

2. Siwon is Happy

Choi Siwon himself seems very happy with his activities in Indonesia this time. Raffi also feels the same.

"Yeah, he's happy. Korean artists are happy when they come to Indonesia because they have many fans," Raffi concluded.

3. Siwon and Raffi

Let's wait for their vlog!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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