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Jang Dong Gun Said to Return Alone from Hawaii Without Wife and Children, Rumors of Household Issues Grow Louder

Jang Dong Gun Said to Return Alone from Hawaii Without Wife and Children, Rumors of Household Issues Grow Louder Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young © as tagged - Jang Dong Gun is currently being talked about by netizens. This is after he was allegedly involved in a chat conversation with actor Joo Jin Mo discussing women and prostitution. Joo Jin Mo himself recently stated that his phone was hacked and he was threatened by the perpetrator who wanted to spread the contents of his phone.

Earlier last week, Jang Dong Gun was known to be on vacation with his children and his wife, Go So Young. However, they are rumored to not be in a good relationship.

A netizen who claimed to be on the same plane as them on their way to Hawaii made a post on a forum. They said that Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young did not sit together. When they arrived in Hawaii, they also reportedly did not speak to each other.

1. Jang Dong Gun Returns Alone

Unpleasant rumors continue to plague the marriage of Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young. According to Allkpop, several media outlets reported that Jang Dong Gun returned from Hawaii on Monday (13/1/2020).

Jang Dong Gun is said to have returned alone without his wife and children. Go So Young is suspected to be planning to return later with their child.

2. Go So Young Avoids the Public

Because of his solo return, speculations about problems in the marriage of Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young are escalating. They are suspected to have issues due to a chat that allegedly occurred between Jang Dong Gun and Joo Jin Mo.

Go So Young herself has been trying to distance herself from the public and media since these rumors circulated. One way is by disabling comments on Instagram.

Hopefully, there are no problems between this couple.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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