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Just Revealed, Turns Out This is the Reason Shindong from Super Junior Cancelled His Engagement

Just Revealed, Turns Out This is the Reason Shindong from Super Junior Cancelled His Engagement Shindong from Super Junior © - The love story of Shindong in the past is being discussed again after he and Choi Yeo Jin chose each other as potential husband and wife in the Travelling Market program on JTBC. Regarding this matter, Shindong clarifies the misunderstanding that states that he is already married.

"People thought I was already married. Some even thought I already had children," said Shindong as quoted from Allkpop.

"I did have a girlfriend. I thought we would get married, but in the end, it was cancelled," he added.


1. Announcing Romantic Relationship Twice

Throughout his career as an idol, Shindong has announced twice that he is in a relationship with a woman. The Super Junior member also proved his seriousness in the relationship by introducing their families to each other.

"Whether I like it or not, I have announced my relationship twice. At that time, I announced that our families would have a Sangkyunrae (a formal meeting between two families before marriage), but our parents only had a brief introduction. At that time, I was still young, so I didn't fully understand the meaning of Sangkyunrae," said Shindong.

2. Turns Out, This is the Reason

Instead of progressing to marriage, Shindong's romantic relationship ended after he announced his engagement plans to the public. After some investigation, it was revealed that his girlfriend's family felt uncomfortable with the announcement.

"I discussed [Sangkyunrae] on television and they felt 'burdened' by it. Eventually, we broke up," he added.

3. Shindong's Love Story

In 2014, Shindong announced that he had broken up with his girlfriend after publicly announcing their engagement on the SBS show Strong Heart. Later, he revealed another relationship with model Kang Shi Nae in 2015, but they broke up after four months.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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