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Latest Clip of Drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH' Shows Kim Go Eun Covered in Blood

Latest Clip of Drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH' Shows Kim Go Eun Covered in Blood Kim Go Eun © SBS - SBS has released the latest clip of drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH. This drama tells the story of Emperor Lee Gon (Lee Min Ho) and detective Jung Tae Ul (Kim Go Eun) who live in parallel worlds.

In the latest clip, Jung Tae Ul is seen unconscious and covered in blood. In addition, she is also surrounded by a group of suspicious strangers.

This immediately sparks curiosity among viewers for the latest episode. What does the clip show?

1. Kim Go Eun's Acting Praised

The drama production company praised Kim Go Eun's acting, which successfully made the audience feel sympathy for her character. She appeared to shed tears while experiencing a parallel world romance.

The latest episode of THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH can be watched on June 12th at 10 PM KST. So, are you excited?


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