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Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

Korean Drama

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Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

Mandarin film starring Steven Hao or known as Boboho here was popular in the 90s. The story of the chubby and cute little monk was very entertaining at that time. Many years have passed, and Steven Hao is now 31 years old. For those curious about what he looks like now, let's take a look at his photo below!


Hao Shaowen or Steven Hao, better known as Boboho in Indonesia, is still actively acting. This is his profile photo on Facebook.

Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

Steven Hao is indeed active on social media Facebook, like sharing activities and also his very meme-able photos. Boboho is indeed a funny figure.


This is an example of one of the funny photos uploaded by Boboho on social media. Actually, if you pay attention, his face is not much different from before.

Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

Boboho himself was a news story in the Indonesian media a few years ago. He was said to have a difficult life and even sold ice cream.


According to his profile on Weibo, Boboho once studied at Tamkang University. But because of his lack of interest in studying, Boboho finally decided to drop out of college in 2014.


Well, as for whether he had a difficult life or not, it is uncertain whether the rumors are true or not because Boboho himself did take a break from the acting world and only started appearing in TV series again in 2009.


Some films that Boboho starred in as an adult also became popular, even though he was not the main character, such as YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE and NEVER GONE, starring Liu Yifei and Kris Wu.


A while ago, Boboho reunited with his childhood film companion, Shi Xialong. He played Boboho's friend in the temple who was really good at kung fu.

Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

Boboho also expressed his condolences for the passing of senior actor Ng Man Tat on his Facebook by uploading a screenshot of their old photo.

Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

How do KLovers comment on Boboho's appearance now? Still cute or very handsome?

Latest Photos and News of Boboho, Previously Rumored to Have a Difficult Life and Not Graduate from College

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