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Not Only Successful in the Entertainment World, These 5 Korean Actors and Actresses Also Achieved Higher Education - Holding a Master's Degree

Not Only Successful in the Entertainment World, These 5 Korean Actors and Actresses Also Achieved Higher Education - Holding a Master's Degree Gong Yoo, Lee Young Ae (credit:; Special) - Korean drama actors and actresses always manage to captivate the audience with their brilliance on the screen. In addition to being actors and actresses, sometimes they also become famous commercial models, MCs, and well-known singers.

Not only focusing on their successful careers, but these Korean actors and actresses have also achieved success in the field of education. Not just ordinary education, but they have pursued extraordinary education in South Korea.

Education in South Korea is known to have fierce competition for students. In terms of career and education, South Korea competes extraordinarily, regardless of who the person is, education remains pure without any interference from money or popularity.

So, these actors and actresses are truly extraordinary in pursuing their education despite being hindered by their schedules in the entertainment world. Curious about who these Korean actors and actresses are? Here are 5 actors and actresses in Korea who have also achieved success in the field of education, as reported from various sources.



1. Gong Yoo

The first Korean actor to prioritize education is the handsome actor Gong Yoo. This actor, who has achieved a lot in both movies and dramas, has also excelled in his education at the University. Not only was he able to complete his undergraduate studies, but Gong Yoo also successfully completed his postgraduate studies. Despite being busy with his work as a South Korean actor, Gong Yoo never stopped pursuing knowledge.

Gong Yoo studied at Kyunghee University in Seoul, South Korea. Kyunghee University is one of the best universities in South Korea. For his bachelor's degree, Gong Yoo majored in Theater and Film, and for his master's degree, he majored in Art Fusion Design. Not only handsome and successful in the entertainment industry, but Gong Yoo also prioritizes education as one of his life priorities.

2. Lee Seung Gi

The second Korean actor and actress who prioritize education is the handsome actor Lee Seung Gi. This actor, who is one of the favorites of the Korean people, indeed has a good education while carrying out the education program.

Lee Seung Gi pursued his bachelor's degree at Dongguk University in South Korea. This university is not only located in Korea but also in Los Angeles, America. Lee Seung Gi majored in International Trade and achieved good grades. Despite being busy with activities in the entertainment world, Lee Seung Gi successfully graduated from the university.

Not only with a bachelor's degree, Lee Seung Gi also pursued a master's degree at the same university, Dongguk University. In the master's program that he took, Lee Seung Gi successfully graduated with 2 degrees, namely Trade and Content Theory, as well as Finance and Culture. Not only that, Lee Seung Gi is also fluent in 3 languages, Korean, English, and Japanese, and he also has a good command of Mandarin script. Upon his graduation from his bachelor's degree, Lee Seung Gi received the Special Achievement award for his activities and good grades during his education.

Not only handsome and successful in the Korean entertainment world, it turns out that Lee Seung Gi can be a good example in continuing his education to postgraduate level perfectly despite his busy schedule. It is not surprising that Lee Seung Gi received the title of the ideal son-in-law from the Korean people.

3. Song Joong Ki

Song Jong Ki, is one of the Korean actors who has also successfully completed his education. Song Joong Ki studied at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea. Sungkyunkwan University is not just any university, KLovers, it has been around since 1398 during the Joseon Dynasty. It has become a leading university with a great national administrative code related to royal approval. In the entrance exam for this university, Song Joong Ki almost achieved a perfect score of 380 out of a perfect score of 400.

In the end, Song Joong Ki graduated in 2012 with a degree in Business Administration. Not only handsome and successful, but Song Joong Ki also proved that he is intelligent in his education.

4. Lee Young Ae

Besides actors, there are also successful Korean actresses in the field of education, one of them being Lee Young Ae. This senior actress who has played in the drama DAE JANG GEUM or also known as JEWEL IN THE PALACE has a very good education, KLovers.

She pursued her bachelor's degree at Hanyang University, South Korea. Hanyang University is one of the top universities in South Korea, ranked number three. Lee Young Ae pursued her bachelor's degree in Literature and German Language, and then she continued her master's degree at Chung Ang University majoring in Film and Theater.

Not only that, she also continued her PhD education at Hanyang University, majoring in Film and Theater. When asked why she pursued education until PhD, Lee Young Ae's answer is because she simply loves education. Currently, Lee Young Ae is married to an American national entrepreneur and has been blessed with twins.

5. Kim Tae Hee

The latest successful Korean actress in the field of education is Kim Tae Hee. The wife of singer Rain is indeed one of the pride actresses of South Korea, because besides being religious and beautiful, she is also an actress who has a good education. Kim Tae Hee studied at Seoul National University, which is the number one best university in Korea.

Not only that, Seoul National University is also among the top 50 best universities in the world, ranking 38th in 2019, and is among the top 10 best universities in Asia. It is not surprising that Kim Tae Hee is a good role model in the entertainment industry because of her educational success.

Kim Tae Hee studied fashion design. Not only that, Kim Tae Hee is also the chairperson of the SNU Women's Ski Club at Seoul National University. That is why Kim Tae Hee is included in the national title as the goddess of Korea. Not only beautiful, with a good education and brilliant popularity, but she is also religious.

Those are the 5 actors and actresses in Korea who have successfully pursued education very well. Not only being good public figures and successful in the entertainment industry, but these Korean actors and actresses can also pursue education and be a good example for the Korean society and all fans.


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