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6 Beautiful Actresses Who Have Been Lee Min Ho's Co-Stars, Making Fans Swoon in Their Time

6 Beautiful Actresses Who Have Been Lee Min Ho's Co-Stars, Making Fans Swoon in Their Time Goo Hye Sun, Jun Ji Hyun, Park Min Young (credit:; credit:; credit: - Lee Min Ho is a handsome South Korean actor who started his career as an actor in 2003. He initially began his acting career in small roles in a drama called NONSTOP 5 (2004) and RECIPE OF LOVE (2005). His name started to rise and become known internationally in 2009 with the drama BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS, which was a huge success at the time and made Lee Min Ho famous to this day.

Many drama fans know that Lee Min Ho always gets cast as a handsome, wealthy young man. He always gets roles to protect and fight for his partner with the strength he possesses. And this character is indeed suitable for Lee Min Ho to portray very well. In addition to being good at acting, Lee Min Ho also has co-stars who were once idols in their time.

Even because of Lee Min Ho's acting skills and his co-stars, some fans sometimes hope that they become a real couple. These beautiful actresses are also favorites among Korean drama fans to this day. Who are they? According to various sources, here are 6 beautiful actresses who have been Lee Min Ho's co-stars and made fans swoon in their time.


1. Goo Hye Sun

The first co-star of Lee Min Ho is Goo Hye Sun. This beautiful actress with chubby cheeks became his co-star in a drama that brought their names and made Lee Min Ho famous internationally. The drama is titled BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS. Many people know about this drama, even though it has been 10 years, there are still people who watch or know about it. This is because BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS was one of the favorite Korean dramas in Indonesia after FULL HOUSE.

This can be seen from the ratings obtained by BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS, which reached 28.4%. Not only that, this drama also won 14 prestigious awards in South Korea. Because of this, Lee Min Ho's name became very famous in Indonesia and he even became one of the endorsers of Indonesian products.

In this drama, Lee Min Ho plays the role of a child from a prestigious family in South Korea and becomes the heir to their wealth, which he successfully portrays. The love story between Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun in this drama was quite successful, and even the fans wanted a sequel to the drama. But unfortunately, that didn't happen. There were even funny moments where fans edited photos of Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun getting married just to give them the ending they desired.

2. Son Ye Jin

The next actress who became Lee Min Ho's co-star is Son Ye Jin. Who doesn't know Son Ye Jin, the beautiful actress who became a hot topic for being the co-star of Hyun Bin, turns out she has been Lee Min Ho's co-star before. Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ho played together in the drama PERSONAL PREFERENCE or better known as PERSONAL TASTE, and this drama aired after Lee Min Ho played in the drama BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS.

The drama PERSONAL TASTE was released in 2010, taking the story from the famous Korean novel written by Lee Se In in 2007. This drama tells the story of the meeting between Park Kae In played by Son Ye Jin and Jeon Ji Ho played by Lee Min Ho. Son Ye Jin's character in this drama is a woman who has a difficult life because her boyfriend married her own friend, and she has to pay off debts that she never made. She also has a character as a careless woman. Unlike Lee Min Ho, who has a neat and organized character. This drama will present a romantic comedy story that will make you laugh, because you will be shown a different side of Lee Min Ho.

3. Park Min Young

Park Min Young, is one of the actresses who will be Lee Min Ho's next co-star. The beautiful actress, who is currently on the rise, has previously worked with Lee Min Ho in the drama CITY HUNTER. This drama, adapted from a Japanese comic, has a romantic, action, and thriller genre. Unlike the other two dramas that bring a light love story, this time Lee Min Ho takes on a drama that is slightly different from what he usually does.

This drama is also Lee Min Ho's next project after a year of the drama PERSONAL TASTE, which was in 2011. This drama tells the story of a kind-hearted professional criminal played by Lee Min Ho, who falls in love with the president of Korea's bodyguard, played by Park Min Young. There are many action scenes in this drama, which are perfectly performed by Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young.

Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young were so successful in this drama that they received many positive comments from the Korean public and drama lovers. CITY HUNTER achieved a rating of 17.2% in Seoul, South Korea overall and won 6 awards at prestigious award shows in South Korea. In addition, this drama was also broadcasted in various countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, France, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, and even Indonesia.

4. Park Shin Hye

Lee Min Ho's next co-star is the beautiful actress Park Shin Hye. Not only playing with Son Ye Jin and Park Min Young, this time Lee Min Ho played a drama with Park Shin Hye in 2013. They both played as a couple in the drama THE HEIRS, and this time Lee Min Ho played as a rich high school student and also the heir of the wealth.

Watching this drama reminds me of when Lee Min Ho played in the drama BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS, but with a different partner. Having the same love story as BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS, which is fighting for the woman he loves because of social status differences. This drama is also a very successful drama and still a choice for Korean drama fans to rewatch. THE HEIRS became one of the dramas that brought back the name of Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye.

This drama received a rating of 19.7% in Seoul, South Korea overall. Not only that, this drama also received 37 prestigious award nominations in South Korea, and brought home 23 awards from various prestigious award shows in South Korea. Not only that, the popularity of this drama also reached 19 countries and was aired on national television in those countries. And those countries include Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Africa, Mongolia, the Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Armenia.

5. Jun Ji Hyun

Jun Ji Hyun is one of the senior actresses who also became Lee Min Ho's co-star. They both starred in the latest drama in 2016 titled LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA, and it became one of Lee Min Ho's fantasy dramas. Inspired by the first unofficial classic historical story of South Korea, it tells the story of a mermaid princess who seeks her long-lost master or love. Then, they meet in the modern era with the reincarnation of her long-deceased master.

This drama, which brings together a couple with a 6-year age difference, successfully captivates the audience. Although Jun Ji Hyun is already married, they managed to portray a good couple in the drama. LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA becomes one of Lee Min Ho's best dramas. This drama achieved an overall rating of 19.3% in Seoul, South Korea. Not only that, this drama also received 6 prestigious awards, including Best Couple, which shows that the acting of Lee Min Ho and Jun Ji Hyun was excellent.

6. Kim Go Eun

And the actress who became Lee Min Ho's last co-star is Kim Go Eun in the drama THE KING ETERNAL MONARCH in 2020. This fantasy-themed drama tells the story of a King Lee Gon played by Lee Min Ho, who comes to the human world to close the parallel door opened by demons. And that's when King Lee Gon meets Jung Tae Eul played by Kim Go Eun.

This drama will finish airing today, on July 12, 2020. And it has become one of the favorite dramas of 2020 with high ratings every week. Although the overall ratings of the drama have not been seen yet, fans also really like the acting played by Kim Go Eun and Lee Min Ho. In fact, many fans hope that they have a special relationship beyond just co-workers.

Although this drama has not received various awards because it is still new and has just finished, but every week the drama will be a hot topic of discussion among Korean drama fans, including in Indonesia.

Those are 6 beautiful South Korean actresses who have become Lee Min Ho's co-stars in various drama genres. And of course, the drama is always a topic of conversation and a favorite among Korean drama viewers, not only in South Korea but also in various countries including Indonesia. So, which Lee Min Ho couple is the favorite of KLovers at home?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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