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Han So Hee Considers Starring in New Drama Directed by 'EXTRACURRICULAR' Director

Han So Hee Considers Starring in New Drama Directed by 'EXTRACURRICULAR' Director Han So Hee © Special - Good news, Han So Hee has been offered the lead role in a new Netflix drama. This drama is no ordinary one, as it is directed by the EXTRACURRICULAR director.

On June 11, it was reported that the rising actress will be starring in the drama UNDERCOVER. In response to this, Han So Hee's agency, 9ato Entertainment, gave a statement.

"It is true that she has received an offer for the drama UNDERCOVER, but there is still no decision," said the agency.

1. Synopsis UNDERCOVER

According to Soompi, UNDERCOVER is a Netflix drama directed by Kim Jin Min, who previously directed the drama EXTRACURRICULAR. If she accepts the offer, Han So Hee will play the role of Seo Ji Woo, a woman who joins a criminal organization seeking revenge after her father's death.

Han So Hee's name has become more well-known after her role as Da Kyung in the drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED. Let's wait for updates from Han So Hee.


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