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Reunion, IU and Im Seulong Celebrate 10 Years of Their Single Duet 'Nagging' with Taecyeon 2PM

Reunion, IU and Im Seulong Celebrate 10 Years of Their Single Duet 'Nagging' with Taecyeon 2PM IU - Im Seulong - Taecyeon 2PM. Credit: - For fans of K-Pop second generation, the duet song IU and Im Seulong titled Nagging is definitely familiar. This single is so popular and loved by fans of both sides.

Recently, IU and Im Seulong from 2AM celebrated the 10th anniversary of that legendary song. Curious about it?

1. Seulong's Post

On Sunday (7/6) yesterday, Seulong uploaded two photos of himself with IU. They met to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the song Nagging.

"10th anniversary of 'Nagging' and also belated birthday. Guys, why haven't you changed?" he wrote in the caption.

2. Together with Taecyeon

Not only the two of them, but also Taecyeon was in the photo accompanying them to celebrate that special moment. The three of them are known to be close friends.

The single Nagging itself was released in June 2010. IU and Seulong, who have birthdays in May, are close friends until now.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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