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Photo of Suho EXO during Junior High School, Hardly Any Different from Now

Photo of Suho EXO during Junior High School, Hardly Any Different from Now Suho EXO (credit: SM Entertainment) - EXO has been known as one of the top Korean boy bands who are not only talented, but also good-looking. One of those who often receives praise for his handsomeness is the leader, Suho.

Suho has always been said to have handsome standards in South Korea. He is also said to have a golden ratio that proves his handsomeness.

1. Photo of Suho During Junior High School

Based on his pre-debut photos that have circulated on the internet, Suho has proven to have a handsome face since long ago. One of his recent photos during junior high school has caught attention.

In that photo, Suho already looks so handsome. It's no wonder that SM talent scouts immediately asked him to audition to become an idol when they met him in front of his school back then.

2. Suho Then and Now

One fan on Twitter combined a photo of Suho during middle school with a photo of Suho in 2020. The photo on the right was taken when the man named Kim Junmyeon was acting in the musical drama The Man Who Laughs. And there's almost no difference, right?

EXO-L fans are wondering why the members of EXO seem to not age or change even though Suho himself is 30 years old this year (according to the Korean age system). What do KLovers think?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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