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Caught up in the fever of the drama 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED', Mona Ratuliu is annoyed but not affected

Caught up in the fever of the drama 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED', Mona Ratuliu is annoyed but not affected Mona Ratuliu - Han So Hee. © Santoso - JTBC - Amidst the corona virus pandemic, many people have developed new hobbies, one of which is getting hooked on watching Korean dramas to fill their free time. That's also what artist Mona Ratuliu did, who watched the series THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED.

"Actually, I had never watched Korean dramas before, only started during this corona period. So I don't know if Korea is rich in stories, every drama I watch is different," said Mona Ratuliu when contacted by Kapanlagi recently.

1. Follow Annoyed But Not Baper

Household drama and infidelity played by Park Hae Joon, Kim Hee Ae, and Han So Hee really drains the emotions of the viewers. Even Han So Hee, who plays Yeo Da Kyung as the mistress, was bombarded by the anger of Indonesian netizens because they were carried away by their emotions. Although she felt annoyed by the story, Mona Ratuliu didn't get baper.

"I definitely got carried away, but the story is crazy. But when I, as a mother, see the actress (Han So Hee) being cursed by many people on Instagram, I find it funny. I'm not that carried away, I just enjoy the story, the conflict is good," she said.

2. It's Understandable That Many Suspect Their Husbands

However, she thinks it's understandable if many women get baper. Especially if they have experienced being cheated on and become suspicious of their partners.

"Everyone is different, depending on their background. If a wife who has been cheated on watches it, she might mentally get affected or she might get really carried away, and she might become suspicious of her husband," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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