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Racist Actions by TMZ Towards A.C.E and PARASITE Casts Spark Outrage Among Netizens

Racist Actions by TMZ Towards A.C.E and PARASITE Casts Spark Outrage Among Netizens Bong Joon Ho & the cast of PARASITE © Screen Actors Guild - The celebrity gossip site TMZ has sparked public outrage with their racist actions. TMZ staff also treated the cast and crew of the film PARASITE in an unpleasant manner.

In a segment of TMZ on TV, TMZ staff criticized the English language skills of the PARASITE cast. Due to language barriers, most of the PARASITE cast chose to answer TMZ's questions with smiles. TMZ responded by calling the PARASITE cast too arrogant to be interviewed by them.



1. Not the First

TMZ's racist actions against Asians are not the first time they have done so. In 2015, they also treated Junghwa of EXID with unpleasant treatment in their broadcasts.

In a video, one of the TMZ staff imitated Junghwa's accent as the EXID member expressed her excitement about coming to Uncle Sam's country. Banana Culture immediately contacted TMZ regarding this racism case, as mocking the way Koreans speak is not something to be laughed at.

2. Attack on A.C.E

Boy group A.C.E who came to Los Angeles to perform at an after party event also became victims of TMZ. TMZ reporters referred to Byeongkwan and Jun whom they met in front of the after party location as members of BTS.

In addition, TMZ also discussed the English language skills of the two A.C.E members. TMZ staff responded to Byeongkwan and Jun's interview answers delivered in Korean with jokes about hiring a translator and using Google Translate, which they considered bothersome.

3. Netizen's Anger

This TMZ video has sparked anger among netizens on social media. Jeff Benjamin, a K-Pop Billboard columnist, created a thread about this racist act and received a lot of responses from netizens.

The columnist stated that this racist incident against Asians is very disrespectful and embarrassing, especially when it involves K-Pop stars. He also mentioned that artists like BTS and A.C.E have many other important activities to do besides just translating.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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