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Go Soo Jung, 'GOBLIN' Star and BTS 'With Seoul' MV Actress, Passes Away at the Age of 25

Go Soo Jung, 'GOBLIN' Star and BTS 'With Seoul' MV Actress, Passes Away at the Age of 25 Go Soo Jung © - Sad news has come from the Korean entertainment industry, losing one of its stars. Actress Go Soo Jung, aged 25, is reported to have passed away. The news was announced directly by her agency, Story J Company.

According to the agency's explanation, the funeral was held on February 9, 2020, and was held privately with the presence of her family.



1. Died Due to Illness

The sudden departure of Go Soo Jung certainly shocked fans. However, the agency later revealed that this beautiful actress passed away due to illness.

"We will always remember actress Go Soo Jung, whose smile always brightened the world. Rest in peace," said the agency, as reported by Soompi.

2. GOBLIN Star and BTS MV With Seoul

The late Go Soo Jung made her debut through the drama GOBLIN which aired in 2016. She also starred in the drama SOLOMON'S PERJURY.

Prior to that, this actress born on April 24, 1995, was also a star in BTS' MV titled With Seoul. Rest in peace Go Soo Jung.


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