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North Korean Comments on 'Crash Landing on You', No North Korean Soldier as Handsome as Hyun Bin

North Korean Comments on 'Crash Landing on You', No North Korean Soldier as Handsome as Hyun Bin Hyun Bin © tvN - What is the most popular Korean drama right now? The answer can be said to be Crash Landing on You. The love story between a North Korean soldier and a South Korean conglomerate's daughter has captivated viewers.

This drama has received protests for allegedly glamorizing North Korea. But does Crash Landing on You really portray North Korea accurately?

Sports Seoul interviewed a North Korean defector who is now a South Korean citizen, referred to as A. He was asked if life in North Korea is really like that.

1. The Train Stops Because of Power Outage

According to A, this drama has good details and is considered the best work in depicting North Korea. The style of the border women is said to be similar to the wives of North Korean soldiers. Their neatly arranged hair is indeed true because long and curly hair is prohibited there. A then tells a story about a scene where the train had to stop for hours due to a power disturbance.

"Once the power went out, the train would stop, there was no heater, and we had to burn wood. It's backward compared to South Korea. I don't say that this drama glamorizes North Korea because they show it as it is. This is a drama made for entertainment, so people should see it that way, just a drama," said A.

2. No One as Handsome as Hyun Bin

A then tells a story about soju and mentions that North Koreans make their own alcohol. A then tells that watching things related to South Korea is strictly prohibited and people can be punished for it. Then there will be sudden inspections if there are reports of people watching Korean dramas. One thing that A finds unrelated to the facts is about handsome soldiers.

"This is the most ridiculous. There's no soldier as handsome as him (Hyun Bin) in North Korea. There, a man with chubby cheeks like Jun Hyun Moo is considered handsome. But among young people, they prefer types like Lee Min Ho, Hyun Bin, and Kwon Sang Woo," concluded A.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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