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Starring Lee Jung Ha - Jennie BLACKPINK, Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch the Latest Variety Show 'APARTMENT404'

Starring Lee Jung Ha - Jennie BLACKPINK, Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch the Latest Variety Show 'APARTMENT404' ©Prime Video - The latest variety show program APARTMENT404 starring Yoo Jae Suk, Cha Tae Hyun, Oh Na Ra, Yang Se Chan, Jennie BLACKPINK, and Lee Jung Ha will soon air on Prime Video on February 23. This highly anticipated unscripted series features the cast members uncovering the truth behind various extraordinary events based on true stories.

There are so many interesting stories and funny moments to look forward to. Check out the reasons why you should watch APARTMENT404 in the complete review below!

1. Solid Cast

If you often watch Korean shows, you might recognize at least one or two stars in this show. Yoo Jae Suk is one of the most beloved television personalities in Korea and has appeared in many popular programs.

Cha Tae Hyun is not only known for his appearances in various films like MY SASSY GIRL, but also variety shows like UNEXPECTED BUSINESS. Oh Na Ra is an actress who has starred in various series like SKY CASTLE and ALCHEMY OF SOULS.

Yang Se Chan is a comedian known as a member of RUNNING MAN. JENNIE is a K-pop star who has captivated many fans through her performances on stage and screen. Meanwhile, Lee Jung Ha is a newcomer actor who has impressed the public with his role in the drama series MOVING. With the presence of these stars, APARTMENT404 will definitely entertain you.

2. Produced By Renowned Director

The name of the production director (PD) Jung Chul Min may not be unfamiliar to you if you have ever watched some of his popular variety shows. Known for his expertise in creating content that is loved by viewers, the director is now inviting people who have worked with him before to join APARTMENT404.

Jung Chul Min has worked with Yoo Jae Suk on RUNNING MAN, SIXTH SENSE, and VILLAGE SURVIVAL, THE EIGHT. He has also worked with Oh Na Ra, Yang Se Chan, and JENNIE. Although Jung Chul Min has never worked with Cha Tae Hyun and Lee Jung Ha before, both actors have acted together in the drama series MOVING. We can certainly look forward to Jung Chul Min's expertise in APARTMENT404.

3. Various Extraordinary Events

All the events and mysteries that will be investigated by the members of APARTMENT404 are true stories that happened in Korean apartments. Although these various true stories happened in different periods of time and locations, the players will see them all in one building for this show.

They have to search for clues related to these extraordinary events and solve interesting mysteries. Each episode will be packed with excitement and entertainment, while inviting viewers to learn about real events that have happened in Korea.

4. Retro Theme

Each episode of this show has a unique setting and time period, so the players will revisit those eras. The touch of the past will bring interesting retro elements to this show.

In addition, we can also see a nostalgic atmosphere in each episode and a glimpse of Korea in different times. From hot news topics to frequently found household items, there are many things to enjoy in APARTMENT404. We can also see each member dressed in an interesting retro style!

5. Exciting Competitions

Members will compete in groups and individually to solve mysteries in each episode, where they will participate in various games to obtain clues and advantages. If you have watched previous Korean variety shows, you may already recognize some of the games featured. However, for those who don't know, you can learn about some typical Korean games that may have similar versions in Indonesia. These various games and competitions will certainly bring many funny and entertaining moments.

Don't miss the excitement of APARTMENT404 airing on Prime Video, with new episodes every Friday, starting from February 23rd.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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