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Unexpected Friendship Between Suho EXO and Minhyun NUEST, Here's Their Interaction on Instagram!

Unexpected Friendship Between Suho EXO and Minhyun NUEST, Here's Their Interaction on Instagram! Suho EXO - Minhyun NUEST. Credit: SM Entertainment - Special - Suho EXO and Hwang Minhyun are two successful Idols with many fans. That's why many fans were excited to know that they have a close friendship.

Fans found out about this when Suho EXO and Hwang Minhyun from NUEST had interactions on Instagram. Curious about it?


1. Minhyun's Post

On April 30, 2020, Minhyun uploaded several photos on Instagram showcasing his handsome charm and cool style in various moments.

"I'm trying to enjoy the waiting time," he wrote. His caption seems to refer to the #StayAtHome moment amid the corona pandemic.

2. Suho's Comment

Minhyun and Suho have never been involved in the same project before. However, Suho wrote a comment on Minhyun's Instagram post.

"If you enjoy waiting, you must be falling in love," Suho wrote. Minhyun replied to the comment, "I will wait for you, hyung."

Many fans are curious about how the two of them became close friends. Nevertheless, they are happy and enthusiastic about the friendship between these two handsome idols.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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