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V BTS Chooses 'ARMY' as the First Word to Teach His Future Child

V BTS Chooses 'ARMY' as the First Word to Teach His Future Child credit via Big Hit Entertainment - V BTS recently impressed fans, in this case ARMY, with his words. As known, V BTS has been quite active in interacting with fans on Weverse, a social networking application created by Big Hit Entertainment, amidst his busy schedule of creating.

From the interactions, a fan asked V BTS, "How much do you love ARMY?"


1. Unexpected Answer from V BTS

V BTS immediately responded to the fan's question. "Even if I stretch out both my legs and arms, it still wouldn't be enough to measure the extent of my love for ARMY."

Furthermore, V BTS added, "What's certain is that I always want to see ARMY, even in my dreams. When I want to make a song, all I have in mind is ARMY. Even no matter how busy I am, I try to make time to play games with ARMY. In essence, I dedicate almost all the love in my heart to ARMY."

2. Choose 'ARMY' Instead of 'Father' as the First Word for His Child

V BTS continued, if his love for ARMY is truly sincere and can be said to be true love. Until the time he has a child, the first word he wants to teach his child is 'ARMY', instead of 'Father' as most Korean fathers teach.

"As proof of my love for ARMY, in the future when I have a child, I will introduce 'ARMY' as the first word they hear, instead of asking them to call me 'Father'," said V BTS.

What do you think, ARMY? Are you now convinced that V BTS's love for fans is not ordinary?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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