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Yoona SNSD Will Serve as Honorary Judge at the 19th Mise-En-Scene Short Film Festival

Yoona SNSD Will Serve as Honorary Judge at the 19th Mise-En-Scene Short Film Festival Yoona SNSD (credit: Splash) - Yoona SNSD will participate in the 19th Mise-En-Scene Short Film Festival. Yoona has been appointed as an honorary judge in the comedy category King of Comedy.

Yoona's success in the film industry has attracted attention since her debut as an actress in 2018. At that time, she played the role of Park Min Young in the film CONFIDENTIAL ASSIGNMENT. The film successfully attracted 7.8 million viewers during its screening.

Yoona's success in the film industry continued when she portrayed Eui Joo in the film EXIT. The film also attracted a large number of viewers, namely 9.4 million.

1. Yoona is Expected to Increase Audience Interest

Yoona SNSD, who is expanding her acting career by becoming an honorary judge, is expected to help increase people's interest in short films. She will also evaluate these works with her unique and fresh perspective.

The Mise-En-Scene Short Film Festival, which is celebrating its 19th anniversary, is the only festival in South Korea for short films where they will discover talented new directors.

This festival will be broadcasted for free, starting from the opening event on June 25, 2020, until the closing event on July 1, 2020, through the NaverTV channel Mise-en-scene Short Film Festival MSFF.

2. Yoona SNSD's New Drama

In the second half of this year, Yoona will greet viewers again through her acting in a JTBC drama titled HUSH. Yoona's new charm will be displayed in her role as Lee Ji Soo, a rookie reporter.

Yoona SNSD will portray the dilemmas of survival and conscience faced by a journalist behind newspaper reporting.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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