Kapanlagi.com - Indonesian pop songs are certainly not unfamiliar to most music lovers in the country. This is because pop is one of the most popular and most liked music genres. Pop songs are almost suitable for everyone who likes to listen to music. Moreover, there are some good Indonesian pop song recommendations that have become hits.
Not only new songs, some old pop songs are still enjoyable to listen to today. Even for some people, old pop songs are considered to have their own attraction compared to the latest pop songs. Whether old or new, pop songs will always be suitable for listening at any time. Pop song recommendations will also always be suitable for listening to accompany your daily activities.
So, are you interested in listening to Indonesian pop songs? Summarized from various sources, here are some of the best pop song recommendations from time to time.
1. Recommendations of Indonesian Pop Songs from the 2000s

(credit: unsplash)
The 2000s became one of the periods of music development in the homeland. Many bands and singers emerged with songs that captivated hearts. However, old bands and singers also have flagship songs that remain a favorite in the hearts of fans. Here are some recommendations for Indonesian pop songs around the 2000s.
1. Kenangan Terindah - Samsons
2. Bukannya Aku Takut - Juliette
3. Sepanjang Hidupku - Pilot
4. Ruang Rindu - Letto
5. Menemukanmu - Seventeen
6. Bersama Bintang - Drive
7. Demi Cinta - Krispatih
8. Ya Sudahlah - Bondan Prakoso
9. Jangan Lupakan - Nidji
10. Anugerah Terindah - Sheila on 7
11. Dan - Sheila on 7
12. Ku Tak Bisa - Slank
13. Terlalu Manis - Slank
14. Ku Katakan dengan Indah - Peterpan
15. Menghapus Jejakmu - Peterpan
16. Manusia Bodoh - Ada Band
17. Kehadiranmu - Vagetoz
18. Hingga Akhir Waktu - Nine Ball
19. Dealova - Once
20. Bukan Pujangga - Basejam
21. Salah - Lobow
22. Hujan Kemarin - Taxi
23. Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu - Republik
24. Tulus - Radja
25. Januari - Glenn Fredly
26. Sunny - BCL
27. Merindukanmu - D'Masiv
28. Akhirnya Ku Menemukanmu - Naff
29. Kepompong - Sindentosca
30. Dua Cincin - Hello
31. Janci Suci - Yovie & Nuno
32. Cinta dan Benci - Geisha
33. Fallin In Love - J-Rock
34. Kembali Pulang - Kangen Band
35. Siapa yang Pantas - Domino
36. Rasa Ini - Viera
37. Hujan - Utopia
38. Aku dan Dirimu - Ari Lasso Featuring BCL
39. Jangan Pernah Berubah - ST12
40. Hanya Kau yang Bisa - Tiket
2. Recommendations of Indonesian Pop Songs from 2011 - 2020

(credit: unsplash)
For the 90s generation, the period from 2011 to 2020 is one of the periods with enjoyable and memorable music. This is because during that period, 90s kids began to experience ups and downs in finding their identity and first love. As a result, many pop songs from 2011 - 2020 became the soundtrack of the lives of 90s kids.
Here are some recommendations of Indonesian pop songs from 2011 - 2020.
1. Sampai Akhir - Judika
2. Bukan Dia - Judika
3. Di Ujung Jalan - Samsons
4. Sebuah Rasa - Agnes Monica
5. Bukti - Virgoun
6. Tetap dalam Jiwa - Isyana Sarasvati
7. Sayap Pelindungmu - The Overtune
8. Surat Cinta untuk Starla - Virgoun
9. Dari Mata - Jaz
10. Asal Kau Bahagia - Armada
11. Cinta Luar Biasa - Andmesh
12. Menunggumu - Noah
13. Jatuh Hati - Raisa
14. Dia - Anji
15. Terpukau - Astrid
16. Aku Memilih Setia - Fatin Sidqia
17. Tiba-Tiba Cinta Datang - Maudy Ayunda
18. Sampai Akhir - Judika Featuring Duma Riris
19. Lebih Indah - Adera
20. Lumpuhkan Ingatanku - Geisha
21. Mine - Petra Sihombing Featuring Ben Sihombing
22. Satu-Satunya - Hivi!
23. Heaven - Afgan, Isyana Sarasvati, Rendy Pandugo
24. Mine (Night) - Raisa Faturing Dipha Barus
25. Zona Nyaman - Fourtwnty
26. Fana Merah Jambu - Fourtwnty
27. Dengan Caraku - Brisia Jodie dan Arsy Widianto
28. Berpisah itu Mudah - Rizky Febian Featuring Mikha Tambayong
29. Bicara - The Overtunes Featuring Monita Tahalea
30. Labirin - Tulus
31. Monokrom - Tulus
32. Manusia Kuat - Tulus
33. Gajah - Tulus
34. Jangan - Marion Jola
35. Film Favorit - Sheila on 7
36. Siapkah Kau Tuk Jatuh Cinta Lagi - Hivi
37. Buka Hati - Yura Yunita
38. Intuisi - Yura Yunita
39. Bitterlove - Ardito Pramono
40. Jangan Gila - BCL
3. Recommendations of Latest Indonesian Pop Songs in 2021

(credit: unsplash)
Every year, new cool songs emerge and then succeed in becoming hits. Like some of the latest song recommendations from 2021 to 2022. These songs have been hugely successful and have gone viral on various social media platforms. Here are some recommendations for Indonesian pop songs from 2021 to the latest.
1. Last Message - Lyodra
2. Stay Calm - Yura Yunita
3. His Love - Arsy Widianto
4. Happy with You - Haico
5. What If I'm Not Okay - Judika
6. CHRISYE - Eva Celia
7. Against Blessing - Mahalini
8. Remnant Feeling - Mahalini
9. It's Only Me - Kaleb J
10. Inner Speech - Yura Yunita
11. Be Careful on the Road - Tulus
12. Seventeen - Tulus
13. Once - Tulus
14. Self - Tulus
15. Feels Beautiful - Tiara Andini
16. Noisy - Dere
17. Collapse - Feby Putri Featuring Fiersa Besari
18. Danger - Arsy Widianto and Tiara Andini
19. Until Old Together - Rizky Febian
20. Can Without You - Andmesh
21. Time Machine - Budi Doremi
22. Painting the Sunset - Budi Doremi
23. Former Friend - Prisa
24. Doubt - Raisa
25. Can't Be Together - Vidi Aldiano Featuring Prilly Latuconsina
26. Meaning of Love - Rizky Febian
27. Endure Wounded - Fabio Asher
28. Ego - Andmesh
29. Taboo - Brisia Jodie
30. Endure Wounded - Fabio Asher
31. Deny - Tulus
32. Love & Let Go - Raisa
33. Wrong But Good - Cakra Khan
34. If Later - Samsons
35. Too Much Hope - Rossa
36. Once Wrong - Mawar De Jong
37. Morning Light - Rendy Pandugo
38. Then - Juicy Luicy
39. Rainbow and Rain - Fatin
40. 12 Most Beautiful Years - Bunga Citra Lestari
Those are some recommendations for Indonesian pop songs from past to present. Enjoy listening!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.