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APMI and Several Entertainment Associations in the Homeland Submit an Open Letter to President Jokowi Regarding Creative Industry and Entertainment Permits

APMI and Several Entertainment Associations in the Homeland Submit an Open Letter to President Jokowi Regarding Creative Industry and Entertainment Permits APMI submits an open letter to the president © Purwanto - It's hard to believe that it has been a year since the Corona Virus or Covid 19 emerged and haunted every aspect of life in Indonesia. It has also been a year since President Joko Widodo announced the corona outbreak as a national disaster in Indonesia.

Along with the announcement, the creative and entertainment industry in the country has also experienced significant impacts. Several music concerts, music festivals, and other events had to be postponed. Virtual stages have become a new path for the creative and entertainment industry to survive.

However, a big question arises. Until when will virtual music concerts or festivals become a 'solution'? In reality, that 'solution' still cannot fully revive the creative and entertainment industry in the country.

1. Send an Open Letter

The Indonesian Music Promoters Association (APMI) and 14 other entertainment associations have sent an open letter to President Jokowi regarding permits for the creative and entertainment industry during the pandemic. The letter was also copied to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, the Chairman of Commission X of the Indonesian Parliament, the Minister of Health of Indonesia, and the Chairman of the National Covid-19 Task Force.

"What is certain is that we comply with the existing health regulations, by implementing measurable health protocols," said Anas Syahrul Alimi, a representative from APMI to the media on Wednesday (3/3/2021).

CEO of Rajawali Indonesia Communication also stated that now is the time for the creative industry to resume its activities.
After a year of complying with the country's recommendations, it is time for them to be more actively involved, contributing to solving the pandemic through their experiences, capacities, and networks.

"So that the creative economy can start rolling again. Especially now that the vaccine has been discovered, and the vaccination process is ongoing and still in progress," Anas continued.

2. Open Letter to President Jokowi

Here, through the creative workers' mailing list from 14 related associations, we send an open letter to President Jokowi.

Your Excellency, respected President,

This month, a year ago, President Jokowi announced the first COVID-19 case in Indonesia. Since then, our lives have never been the same. We have been forced to adapt passively: to survive the virus and death, despair and pessimism, disappointment and the urge to blame each other.

After a year has passed, it turns out that many have been able to survive. All of us, who have managed to survive this far, can witness the start of vaccination; and from there, we can see the light. It is important to respond to that momentum with measured steps.

The way to do it is by mobilizing our sector as part of the solution to the pandemic and its impacts. Since March last year, until now, we have stopped gatherings to protect public health.
Now is the time for us to be more actively involved in solving the pandemic through our experiences, capacities, and networks.

Yes, we want to start again, but we want to do it very cautiously. Rushing will make the light that has begun to appear extinguish again due to carelessness. The experience of going through the bitterest months of the pandemic is a preparation to respond to the momentum with a cool head.

Entertainment is indeed important, but we are aware that nothing is more important than safety. We do want our sector to be able to run again, but we know that we should not be selfish so we must integrate our work with the agenda of pandemic resolution.

We have a network of personas that have the capacity to influence their followers to succeed in the national vaccination campaign. Our reputation and experience in the field of events (both corporate, private and social events) can be utilized to design and manage vaccination campaign activations. With the increasing supply of vaccines, the combination of small, medium, and large events with the vaccination agenda can be realized together.

Give us the trust to gradually turn the wheels of the creative industry. We are ready to implement CHSE, the implementation of health protocols based on cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability that have been prepared by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy - and we are willing to be audited at any time.

Our reputation has been partly formed by the comfort and safety of the audience (public) when enjoying any form and scale of our activities. With humility, we offer ourselves to utilize this experience to support the government's agenda in ending the pandemic and its impacts, both on public health and on arts and culture.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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